
Budget 2024 is a responsible plan to strengthen health care and education, build safe and supportive communities, manage the province’s resources wisely and promote job creation to continue to build Alberta’s competitive advantage. The budget maintains the government’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and efficient delivery of public services while recognizing and addressing the needs of Alberta’s growing population.

As of the 2024-25 first-quarter fiscal update, Alberta’s government is forecasting a surplus of $2.9 billion in 2024-25, $2.6 billion more than estimated in Budget 2024.

Read the 2024-25 First Quarter Fiscal Update and Economic Statement.

An image of a happy family enjoying a meal together.

What the budget means for you

Budget 2024 continues to build a refocused health-care system, so every Albertan has access to the care they need, when and where they need it. Supports for education and social services are helping children, families and the vulnerable. Investments in safe, secure communities will increase public safety and protect Albertans and the environment from potential drought, flood and wildfire conditions.

See the budget highlights

Economic outlook

Alberta’s economy is expected to pick up this year, but will lag behind the province’s record population increase. Real gross domestic product (GDP) growth is forecast to rise to 3.3% this year, up almost half a percentage point from budget. But with population set to grow faster at 4.6%, Alberta is falling behind, with real GDP per capita forecast to decline again this year.

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An image of two friends spending time together.
Four oil workers walk underneath a platform of pipes. They're wearing blue coveralls and white hard hats. There is snow on the ground.


Total revenue of $76.2 billion is now forecast, which is $2.7 billion higher than estimated at budget. This improvement is mostly due to higher-than-expected income from non-renewable resources and personal income taxes.

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Total expense of $73.3 billion is now forecast, an increase of $0.1 billion from budget. Operating expense will increase by $0.2 billion in 2024-25, primarily to support the growing number of students in K to 12 education. Disaster and emergency assistance, mainly for wildfires, is forecast at $573 million in 2024-25.

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A photo of a woman smiling.
A photo of Peace Bridge in Calgary.

Capital Plan

In 2024-25, the Capital Plan is expected to be $8.5 billion, which is $0.2 billion more than initially forecast in budget. This increase mainly comes from moving unspent funds from 2023-24 to the current year.

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Budget documents

Download detailed documents outlining the government's financial plans.

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Watch the news conference

Finance Minister Nate Horner provides details on Budget 2024.

Read the full budget address


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