Budget and finance
Budget, business plans, annual reports, savings, expense and compensation disclosure, audits and treasury management.
Information on payments to and from the Government of Alberta, financial institution indemnity and credit card payment security.
Budget 2025 is a responsible fiscal plan to meet the challenges facing Alberta head on.
Detailed Alberta government budget documents, quarterly updates and economic statements, organized by fiscal year.
Embargo process, rules and acceptance form for media representatives who plan to participate in the Budget 2025 embargo.
The budget explains the government's financial plans for the year, and is debated and passed in the legislature.
Salary and contract information for staff in Premier's and Ministers' offices.
Public agency employees and members, and Government of Alberta employees, may be exempt from compensation disclosure if it threatens their safety.
Find compensation disclosure information and policy for public agencies, boards and commissions, and public sector bodies.
This division works to improve the efficiency, economy and accountability of government and agency programs.
The government and its ministries provide overall budget accounting and report on performance and financial results for each fiscal year.
The government's strategic plan, in addition to ministry business plans, is updated annually as part of the government's budget process.
Learn about the collective bargaining process and how collective agreements are reached with government-funded employees in Alberta.
Search government grants given to individuals, organizations and municipalities.
Alberta’s Heritage Fund grows and reinvests a portion of the province’s resource revenues, building a lasting legacy for all Albertans.
Information about Alberta’s economic and financial activities, and useful data for financial markets, investors and stakeholders.
Ministers' office expenses are posted here at the end of the following month.
This committee advises the government on issues relating to financial statements, accounting policy, disclosure and audit reports.
Information on audits and reporting, related to government financial and program management.
Find government employee salary and severance information above the annual threshold.
The Blue Book provides details on supplies, services, intangible assets, tangible capital assets, other payments, and procurement card payments, by payee.
Search information on sole-source contracts for government services.
Search for expenses related to travel, accommodation, meals and hospitality incurred while on government business.
Policy and processes related to travel outside of Alberta for Premier, MLAs and Cabinet.