Salary and severance disclosure for government employees

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Salary and severance disclosure for government employees

Disclosure requirements

The Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act may apply to Alberta Public Service employees. The act requires salary and severance disclosure each year of Government of Alberta employees who earn above an annual established threshold amount.

Disclosure information is posted online twice per year:

  • June 30 – salary and severance from January 1 to December 31 of the previous calendar year
  • December 31 – severance from January 1 to June 30 of the current calendar year

Under the Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act, this disclosure applies to:

  • deputy ministers
  • senior officials appointed by an Order in Council and paid by the Government of Alberta
  • employees within the offices of a minister, associate minister or the Premier
  • employees as defined under the Government Organization Act

View salary and severance disclosures

This data is also available in a number of open formats on the Alberta Open Government Portal

Exemption process

Employees may apply to be exempted from having their compensation disclosed only if this could unduly threaten their safety. There are no other grounds for granting exemptions.

Read about the compensation disclosure exemption policy and how to apply for an exemption.

What is disclosed

  • Regular salary and earnings, paid in that calendar year.
  • Cash benefits including earnings such as overtime, vacation payout, northern allowance, vehicle allowance, compensation in lieu of pension and special services compensation.
  • Non-cash benefits including the employer’s contributions to pension, medical and dental coverage, group life insurance and disability plans.
  • Contracts of employment.
  • Severance, which includes payments required by contract or in accordance with the Employment Standards Code when employment ends.

Employee thresholds

1 Alberta government employees are paid every 2 weeks. Although the average number of pay periods is 26 a year, this can change based on where the pay periods fall during the calendar year.
2 Total number of employees disclosed reflects the number of signed severances between January 1 and June 30, 2024 plus severance payments from contracts previously disclosed.
3 Represents the severance agreements that were signed between January 1 and June 30, 2024. This number is subject to change by June 30, 2025 when severances signed between July 1 and December 31, 2024 are disclosed.
Calendar yearAlberta Consumer Price Index increase1 Number of pay periodsAnnual threshold2 Total number of employees disclosed3 Number of signed severances disclosed

Legislation and regulations

Public sector body compensation disclosure

Government agencies, boards and commissions are also required to disclose the compensation and severance paid to eligible employees, board members and appointees.

