Zones and grain flows

The catchment zones and grain flows for western Canadian grains can be summed up as: Canadian processing for wheat, durum or barley is either in the main production zone for the grain or bordering it. 

For exported grains, end destination determines port choice –

  • Wheat and barley are mainly going through west coast ports to reach Asian destinations. 
  • Durum is just as likely to go through an east coast port to reach Europe and the Middle East. 

Since the United States is a top importer of wheat, durum and barley, shipping via rail or road to the established processing facilities south of the border represents a viable route for all 3 crops. 

As new domestic and international opportunities for Canadian producers are realized, transportation flows may change. 

Although the Canadian Wheat Board officially ended on August 1, 2012, the Western Canadian Grain Catchment: Benchmark of Current Grain Flows of Canadian Wheat Board Grains report contains information and maps still relevant to current crop movement. (See the report Appendix for wheat, durum and barley production density maps.)