Alberta has the largest beekeeping industry in Canada, representing approximately 40% of honey bees in the country. Over 300,000 colonies are served by the Bee Health Assurance Program. Mandated through the Bee Act and its regulation, our program focuses on safeguarding the industry from the spread of honey bee pests and diseases. This allows the government to respond quickly to threats of disease outbreaks and other emergencies that could affect honey bee health in Alberta.

Any person keeping honey bees or beekeeping equipment is required by law to register by June 30 of each year.

Honey bees, queens and used equipment require permits and inspections to move in, out or through the province.

Get help with honey bee health diagnosis, reporting abandoned equipment or colonies, and other services.

This comprehensive guide helps beekeepers to identify and control honey bee diseases and pests.
Ongoing: Beekeepers planning to move bees into Alberta are required to submit a permit request form along with an inspection report from the exporting province at least 2 weeks prior to the desired transport date. See Movement of bees and equipment.
Ongoing: British Columbia, Quebec and Ontario have honey bee colonies with Small Hive Beetle. Special considerations are required when importing colonies into Alberta. See Movement of bees and equipment and contact us for more details.
May 2021: In the 2020 season, some beekeepers had issues with European Foulbrood (EFB). The Bee Health Assurance Team sent a Honey Bee Pest Alert to all registered beekeepers. Learn about EFB and other diseases by reading our Honey Bee Pests and Diseases guide.
December 2018: Antibiotic treatments require a prescription from a licensed veterinarian. Start building a vet-client-patient relationship as soon as possible and ensure you are familiar with the symptoms of American and European Foulbrood Disease. Check with your local beekeeping group.
Connect with the Office of the Provincial Apiculturist:
Hours: 8 am to 4 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-8746
Fax: 780-422-6096
Mailing address:
Bee Health Assurance Team
Crop Diversification Centre North
17507 Fort Road NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5Y 6H3