Annexation board orders

Annexation process and previously contested annexation recommendations.

Recent annexation proceedings


Municipalities can provide a Notice of Intent to annex territory to the Municipal Government Board and to the Municipality from with the lands are proposed to be annexed.

Annexation  recommendations

We do not list annexations that did not require a public hearing. The Order in Council approving the annexation can be found on the King’s Printers website.

Table 1. Contested annexation recommendations issued by the Land and Property Rights Tribunal.

Date modified: December 11, 2020
Annexed to (municipality name at time of order)Annexed from (municipality name at time of order)Annexation recommendation 
Airdrie, City ofRocky View, MD of070/03
Airdrie, City ofRocky View County012/12
Argentia Beach, SV ofWetaskiwin, County of146/97
Beaumont, Town ofLeduc County030/99
Beaumont, Town ofLeduc County012/16
Black Diamond, Town ofFoothills County045/19
Blackfalds, Town ofLacombe County070/01
Blackfalds, Town ofLacombe County016/09
Bon Accord, Town ofSturgeon County049/17
Bow Island, Town ofForty Mile, County of059/01
Bowden, Town ofRed Deer County058/08
Brooks, Town ofNewell, County of7/98
Bruderheim, Town ofLamont County03/17
Calgary, City ofFoothills, MD of018/11
Calgary, City ofFoothills, MD of115/04
Calgary, City ofRocky View, MD of1
Calgary, City ofRocky View, MD of079/07
Calmar, Town ofLeduc County001/05
Camrose, City ofCamrose County118/09
Camrose, City ofCamrose County051/01
Cardston, Town ofCardston, MD of112/96
Chestermere, Town ofRocky View, MD of2
Chestermere, Town ofRocky View, MD of018/09
Chipman, Village ofLamont County033/10
Coaldale, Town ofLethbridge, County of050/17
Coaldale, Town ofLethbridge, County of107/97
Cochrane, Town ofRocky View, MD of083/04
Crossfield, Town ofRocky View, County of049/10
Drayton Valley, Town ofBrazeau County058/11
Drayton Valley, Town ofBrazeau County016/12
Didsbury, Town ofMountain View County135/08
Edmonton, City ofLeduc County, Beaumont Town of050/18
Edmonton, City ofLeduc County, Beaumont Town of1407
Elk Point, Town ofSt. Paul, County of025/02
Forestburg, Village ofFlagstaff County102/10
Fort Saskatchewan, City ofStrathcona County042/19
Fox Creek, Town ofGreenview, MD of176/96
Galahad, Village ofFlagstaff County031/12
Grande Prairie, City ofGrande Prairie, County of033/15
Grande Prairie, City ofGrande Prairie, County of202/00
High River, Town ofMackenzie County0171
High River, Town ofFoothills County045/20
High River, Town ofFoothills, MD of060/11
Hinton, Town ofYellowhead County063/09
Innisfail, Town ofRed Deer County057/02
Innisfail, Town ofRed Deer County110/01
Innisfail, Town ofRed Deer County063/08
Lacombe, Town ofLacombe County042/00
Lamont, Town ofLamont County144/08
Leduc, City ofLeduc County065/99
Legal, Village ofSturgeon, MD of17
Lloydminster, City of 07/68
Millet, Town ofWetaskiwin, County of63
Millet, Town ofWetaskiwin No.10, County of038/17
Nanton, Town ofWillow Creek, MD of147/96
Okotoks, Town ofFoothills, MD of075/08
Okotoks, Town ofFoothills, MD of007/17
Penhold, Town ofRed Deer County054/08
Penhold, Town ofRed Deer County057/17
Pincher Creek, Town ofPincher Creek, MD of062/09
Ponoka, Town ofPonoka County019/11
Poplar Bay, Summer Village ofWetaskiwin, County ofMG0502
Provost, Town ofProvost, MD of8/98
Raymond, Town ofWarner, Couty of030/09
Redcliff, Town ofCypress County147/08
Red Deer, City ofRed Deer County0489
Red Deer, City ofRed Deer County011/06
Red Deer, City ofRed Deer County058/04
Red Deer, City ofRed Deer County119/07
Red Deer, City ofRed Deer County083/09
Red Deer, City ofRed Deer CountyMG0489
Rochon Sands, Summer Village ofStetter County055/11
Ryley, Village ofBeaver County046/15
Silverbeach, Summer Village ofWetaskiwin, County of0159
St. Albert, City ofSturgeon County123/06
St. Albert, City ofSturgeon County058/21
St. Paul, Town ofSt. Paul, County of106/99
Sexsmith, Town ofGrande Prairie, County of148/08
Stettler, Town ofStettler County200/00
Stettler, Town ofStettler County071/10
Strathmore, Town ofWheatland County034/10
Strathmore, Town ofWheatland County062/10
Sundre, Town ofMountain View County012/02
Sundre, Town ofMountain View County055/10
Sylvan Lake, Town ofRed Deer County048/15
Tofield, Town ofBeaver County077/09
Viking, Town ofBeaver County010/18
Vulcan, Town ofVulcan County066/00
Warburg, Village ofLeduc County117/10
Whitecourt, Town ofWoodland County035/19