Alberta King’s Printer

The official source of Alberta government laws, materials and publications since 1906.

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The Alberta Gazette and Registrar’s Periodical contain new and amending regulations and government notices required by law to be published.

The OHS Code sets the technical requirements for health and safety in Alberta’s workplaces.

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As legislated under the King’s Printer Act and Regulations, Alberta King’s Printer holds the responsibility as the official publisher of Alberta’s laws, The Alberta Gazette, Orders in Council, Ministerial Orders, and official materials. We partner with Government of Alberta ministries to produce and distribute various government publications and official materials. We ensure you have accurate, up-to-date access to current legislation in a variety of formats to meet your needs. Point-in-time versions of the laws and historical access to materials is made available through the KP Source Professional subscription.

Alberta King’s Printer materials are owned by the Government of Alberta and protected by law, including copyright and marks under the Trade Marks Act (Canada).

Terms of use – How to cite Alberta legislation

Note: for Ministerial Orders and Orders in Council, follow the same citing standards listed above for regulations.