Water Act forms

Water Act applications should be submitted through the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS).

Important notice

January 2025 | Move your licence

If you are an individual or organization holding Water Act (or preceding Water Resources Act) licence(s) issued, renewed or amended before November 2021 by the Government of Alberta, you must move your water licence(s) into the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS).

Licences renewed and amended after November 2021 are already in DRAS and do not need to be moved.

Read 'Move my Licence: Water Act' on the DRAS page to learn more about how to move your water licence(s).


On June 21, 2021, Alberta’s government took a significant step towards streamlining its regulatory system with the new Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS).

Water Act licence applications

Applications for all Water Act licences, including renewals and amendments, must be submitted through DRAS. Find out how to apply, amend and renew Water Act licences in DRAS in the knowledge articles.

For all Water Act licences issued, amended, or renewed in DRAS that require reporting, the licence holder must report water use data in DRAS. 

Find out how to report water use data in DRAS in the How to Enter Water Use Reporting Data knowledge article.

WATERS is active for Alberta Energy Regulator applicants.

Forms and applications

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