Digital Regulatory Assurance System

Online system designed to clarify regulatory requirements and manage a project’s lifecycle from application to closure.

Important notices

January 2025 | Move your licence

If you are an individual or organization holding Water Act (or preceding Water Resources Act) licence(s) issued, renewed or amended before November 2021 by the Government of Alberta, you must move your water licence(s) into the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS).

Licences renewed and amended after November 2021 are already in DRAS and do not need to be moved. Read Move my Licence: Water Act to learn more about how to move your water licence(s) into DRAS.


On June 21, 2021, Alberta's government took a significant step towards streamlining its regulatory system with the new Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS).

DRAS will make reviewing applications more transparent and efficient while maintaining high environmental standards.

The new system is designed to clarify environmental regulatory expectations to applicants and to support all authorization types managed by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas under the Water Act, Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, and the Public Lands Act. DRAS will be used to manage the entire lifecycle of a project from application to authorization, monitoring and compliance reporting, to remediation and closure.

Currently, the following are accepted through DRAS:

  • Water Act approval and approval amendment applications
  • Water Act licence applications (surface water or groundwater), and applications for licence amendments, renewals, transfers and amalgamations
  • new Water Act temporary diversion licence (TDL) applications (surface water or groundwater), and TDL amendment applications
  • Water Act code of practice notifications

DRAS implementation

DRAS has been rolling out in stages since 2021. Eventually, all Water Act and Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act licences and registrations will be housed in DRAS.

Future rollouts include:

  • Public Lands Act dispositions for commercial and industrial activities
  • drinking water management and the remaining host of activities Alberta Environment and Protected Areas regulates

For applicants, DRAS provides:

  • the ability to apply for one project with multiple activities via an integrated application
  • clear, upfront application standards and requirements
  • a clear decision-making process
  • the ability to track the status of applications in real-time
  • increased provincewide consistency in application processes

How to access DRAS

Watch the How to Access DRAS video to learn how to access DRAS, assign representatives and delegate access.

Step 1: Create an account

To access DRAS, all users require a valid Account or Account for Organizations.

For help, email or call 1-844-643-2789.

Step 2: Log in to DRAS

Once your Account or Account for Organizations has been obtained, you must log in to DRAS with your Account or Account for Organizations credentials to have a DRAS profile. This is required before an application or notice can be submitted or before a representative can be assigned to submit on your behalf.

Supported browsers:

  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox

Mobile browsers are currently not supported.

Go to DRAS

DRAS delegation updates

Applicants can add representative(s) to their DRAS profiles to give permission to read, write and/or submit applications and further delegated permissions on their behalf. Find out more about this process:

Move My Licence: Water Act

'Move My Licence' is a call for water licence holders in Alberta to ‘move’ water licences issued before November 2021 into DRAS. Licences renewed and amended after November 2021 are already in DRAS and do not need to be moved.

Follow the steps below for greater transparency, accuracy and efficiency when managing and reporting on your water licences and water use:

  1. Log in to DRAS using your or Account for Organizations (read How to access DRAS to learn more).
  2. Select the ‘Move my pre-DRAS water licence records’ application form and enter your valid Water Act licence number and licence name. 
  3. Finish by verifying the auto-populated information and click Submit.

Learn more about how to move your water licence(s) into DRAS in the following knowledge articles:

Process improvements

We strive to continuously improve the regulatory system and collect feedback from Albertans to improve DRAS.

The following updates improve how Albertans access, manage, organize and view their regulatory information across the lifecycle of an activity.

Key improvements include:

These enhancements increase transparency and provide Albertans with information and tools to successfully navigate the regulatory system.


Instructional videos for DRAS are available on YouTube:

Indigenous consultation process

To align with Alberta’s proponent-led Indigenous consultation method, applicants for Water Act approvals and Water Act licences, will now use the Aboriginal Consultation Office Digital Service to seek consultation requirements.

Information for Water Act approval and licence applicants on the proponent-led Indigenous consultation method can be found on DRAS:

Report an incident

Report an Incident is available to DRAS for self-reporting and public concerns. It features online report forms for several types of environmental incidents that may be in contravention of the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act, the Water Act or the Public Lands Act

Emergency environmental and dangerous goods incidents are still reported by calling Alberta EDGE at 1-800-222-6514. For more information, see Alberta EDGE (Environmental and Dangerous Goods Emergencies).


Connect with Alberta Environment and Protected Areas:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-6311
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)