
Wildfires have resulted in evacuations in some communities. Learn more.

Vehicle registration expiry date chart

This chart shows when vehicle registrations expire, based on your surname or company name.


Vehicle registrations expire on an assigned month, based on your surname or company name.

Your vehicle registration will expire at midnight on the last day of the specified month.

Vehicle registration expiry date chart

Family / Company
name begins with
Registration expires
end of month
Family / Company
name begins with
Registration expires
end of month
Company name
begins with
Registration expires
end of month
A January Me December 1 January
Av July N May 2 January
B March O December 3 January
Be July P November 4 January
C May Po September 5 January
Cl June Q February 6 January
D April R August 7 January
E August S October 8 January
F September Sc June 9 January
G April Sz July 0 January
Gr August T September    
H June U January    
I January V July    
J January W December    
K November X January    
Ke January Y March    
L July Z July    
M February