Vehicle Inspection Program – Facilities

Resources for facilities applying for and maintaining a vehicle inspection licence in Alberta.

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An inspection facility licence is valid for 2 years and allows a facility to complete commercial, out of province, or salvage vehicle inspections.


Select the appropriate application form below:

Select ‘upgrade’ if you already have an inspection facility licence but need to add a program type (for example, commercial, out of province or salvage) or a vehicle type (for example, automotive, commercial bus or light truck), if you have moved to a new location or if your legal or operating name has changed.

Select "new facility" if you do not have an inspection facility licence or if ownership of a previously licensed inspection facility has changed. An inspection facility licence is not transferable. If you sell or lease your inspection facility to another person or corporation, the new owner(s) will require a new inspection facility licence.

Applicants will need the following:

  • Motor Vehicle Identification Number (MVID)
  • Certificate of Incorporation or Certificate of Amalgamation (if you are a corporation)
  • Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council (AMVIC) licence (if required)
  • Safety Fitness Certificate number (if required)
  • Facility Operating Manual
  • valid email address
  • credit card to complete the $250 payment

If you are unable to locate your MVID, contact us.

Application tips

Enter your information correctly. The renewal application attempts to access your inspection facility file, so the information needs to match what is on file for it to be retrieved.

The Find Facility page is punctuation sensitive.

We may have information from a previous inspection facility contact on file. Try using their email and see if that works. Inspection facility contact information and email addresses can be changed when you complete the application.

If you continue to have problems, you can either complete a new inspection facility application (we will ensure you keep your inspection facility number) or contact a Vehicle Inspection Program Licensing Analyst.

Types of inspection facilities

There are 3 types of inspection facilities:

  1. Carrier Open – authorized to inspect vehicles owned by any company or person.
  2. Carrier Limited – authorized to only inspect vehicles registered in the name of the inspection facility.
  3. Non-Carrier – authorized to inspect vehicles registered to other corporations or individuals.

Facility licence requirements

There are numerous requirements relating to the premises and equipment for the operation of an inspection facility.

The inspection facility must be equipped as required under section 39(1)(c) of the Vehicle Inspection Regulation and section 9 of the Facility Operating Manual (FOM) for the types of vehicles your inspection facility will be licensed to inspect.

Inspection facility licence

The inspection facility must display the licence and posted shop rates, if applicable, where they are visible to the public. If requested, the inspection facility must provide a copy of the terms and conditions of the licence to the public.

Licensed inspection facilities are required to maintain the necessary tools and documentation as outlined in the Vehicle Inspection Regulation and FOM at all times.

Inspection facilities that are not in compliance will be subject to discipline, such as licence suspension or administrative penalty (fine). For more information on our progressive discipline policy, refer to our Progressive Discipline Program or Vehicle safety, compliance and oversight.


Connect with the Vehicle Inspection Program:

Phone: 780-427-8901
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Vehicle Inspection Program
Room 109
Main Floor, Twin Atria Building
4999 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2X3