Time change directive

This directive covers how Alberta Public Service work hours are affected when the time changes to and from daylight savings time.


This directive describes how normal hours of work are affected when the time changes from standard time to daylight savings time and back again.

Change to Daylight Saving time

The change from Standard time to Daylight Saving time will be effective 2:00 am the morning of the second Sunday in March each year. Although employees working a shift through 2:00 am on that morning will be working one hour less than their normal shift, no adjustment in pay shall be effected for this period. Overtime compensation shall apply when an employee, on the morning of that day, works in excess of 7 hours in the case of a 40 hour a week requirement, or 6 3/4 hours in the case of a 38 3/4 hour a week requirement.

Change to Standard time

The change from Daylight Saving time to Standard time will be effective 2 am the morning of the first Sunday in November each year. Although employees working a shift through 2 am on that morning will be working one hour more than their normal shift, no adjustment in pay shall be effected for this period. Overtime compensation shall apply when an employee, on the morning of that day, works in excess of 9 hours in the case of a 40 hour a week requirement, or 8 3/4 hours in the case of a 38 3/4 hour a week requirement.

About this directive

Authority:Public Service Act
Application:Organizations under the Public Service Act
Effective Date:January 1, 2007
Contact:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Labour and Employment Practices; Labour and Employment Policy