Recognition of prior service directive

This directive covers the recognition of prior public service or service with a Crown board or agency for Alberta Public Service employees.


This directive describes which prior public service or service with a Crown board or agency is recognized, and for which purposes.

Recognition of prior Alberta Public Service

All prior service with an Alberta Government department or organization subject to the Public Service Act, whether continuous or not, may be used to determine the rate at which vacation entitlements are earned.

Recognition of service with a crown board or agency

When hiring an individual who has prior service with a Crown board or agency, the employer will recognize the prior service, providing that:

  • the Crown board or agency is listed on the current Restricted Provincial Agency List on the date the employee commences; and
  • the individual has not received a separation or severance package from the Crown board or agency; and
  • there is no break in service between the individual's termination date with the Crown board or agency and the date of hire with the Government.

Recognized service will be used to calculate entitlements for vacation and general illness benefits, and to calculate severance or separation payments if needed in the future.

Recognized service will not normally satisfy elimination periods required by any of the dental plans or in the Long Term Disability Income Continuance Plan, unless authorized by the Public Service Commissioner.

Recognition of service with the AUPE

The government will recognize the service of an employee on a leave of absence to serve in an elected position with the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees (AUPE).

Pensionable service

Pensionable service is determined according to the provisions of the Public Service Pension Plan or the Management Employees Pension Plan and not through this directive.

About this directive

Authority:Public Service Employment Regulation
Application:Organizations under the Public Service Act
Effective Date:October 1, 1997
Contact:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Labour and Employment Practices; Labour and Employment Policy