Temporary Diversion Licence

Information and online application for temporary diversion of water.

Important notice

Applications for all Water Act licences, including renewals, and amendments must be submitted through the Digital Regulatory Assurance System (DRAS). For information on how to apply, amend and renew various Water Act licences in DRAS, refer to the knowledge articles in DRAS for Water Act application for licences.

For all Water Act licences issued, amended, or renewed in DRAS that require reporting, the licence holder must report water use data in DRAS. For information on how to report water use data in DRAS, refer to knowledge article KB0023429.

The Water Act Temporary Diversion Licence Electronic Review System (WATERS) is active for Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) applicants.

New TDL process for regulated applications

DRAS builds upon the foundation set by WATERS by connecting Temporary Diversion Licences (TDLs) with the rest of the regulatory lifecycle. This is another step by Alberta Environment and Protected Areas toward managing the entire lifecycle of applications in one common system.

Businesses (legal entities) must use an Alberta.ca Account for Organizations to apply for a TDL in DRAS.

Log in to create an Alberta.ca Account for Organizations

Individuals, not businesses (legal entities), can still use an Alberta.ca Account to access DRAS.

Your account in DRAS allows you to:

  • track applications, authorizations and other form submissions
  • delegate authorities – and remove authorities – to others working on submissions for you

Access DRAS

Remaining WATERS uses

  • Previously issued authorizations can still be accessed, reviewed and managed in WATERS.
  • Pending TDL applications submitted on or before March 30, 2022, can still be accessed, reviewed and managed in WATERS.
  • TDLs issued via WATERS will continue to require reporting in the Water User Reporting System (WURS).
  • TDLs that are issued via DRAS will report directly in DRAS.

TDL process for AER-regulated applications

The AER will continue to use WATERS for energy resource related TDL applications.

How to access WATERS for AER-related applications

The Government of Alberta has changed the way it provides secure online access to WATERS.

To continue accessing WATERS, you will be required to log in using a “basic” (unverified) Alberta.ca Account. You are not required to obtain a verified digital Alberta.ca Account.

See Alberta.ca Account for more information on types of accounts.

Review the following information and guides to enable access to WATERS:

WATERS login

The Government of Alberta has automated the decision-making for low-risk TDL applications and streamlined the issuance of all TDLs. Once enrolled, you or your designated representative can submit a TDL application and any supporting documentation as well as retrieve historical temporary diversion licence information.

General information

For more information on TDLs, see:

Additional information

Red Deer River Tributary

These 2 files complement the Red Deer River Basin TDL Schedules in WATERS and provide important website address locations that TDL licence holders may rely upon to be in compliance of their licensing conditions. WATERS supports TDL Schedules but not additional supplemental information to the Schedules; therefore, these 2 files are hyperlinked from the Schedules in WATERS and require public access.

View current water restrictions in the province

Before submitting a TDL application, you can preview whether your proposed water source is closed or if it will be subject to review by an approval coordinator.


Alberta Environment and Protected Areas

For inquiries on TDL applications and authorizations in WATERS:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-6311
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: aep.waapplications@gov.ab.ca

For inquiries on TDL applications and authorizations in DRAS:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-6311
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
DRAS: create a Portal Support case in Get Help

Alberta Energy Regulator

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Email: tdl.applications@aer.ca (for energy related inquiries)

Connect with WATERS Support for application help and troubleshooting:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Email: aep.waters-support@gov.ab.ca