Teacher and teacher leader registry

The new registry supports student safety and elevates Alberta’s teaching profession by improving accountability and transparency.

Included in the registry

Information in the registry includes:

  • the professional standing of Alberta certificated teachers and teacher leaders who hold a certificate, or once held a certificate, dating back to 1954
  • all legal names known to the registrar, the date a certificate was issued or reissued, the type of certificate issued (teaching, leadership or superintendent leadership certificate), and the status of those certificates
  • hearing committee, appeal committee and minister’s decisions, from 1990 onward, when a certificate is suspended or cancelled
  • disciplinary decisions from a hearing committee, appeal committee or the minister, effective January 1, 2023, where there is a finding of unprofessional conduct or professional incompetence
  • consent resolution agreements reached between the commissioner, the teacher or teacher leader and the registrar

Search the registry

Exemption decisions

The government notified teachers and teacher leaders about the registry and how to apply for an exemption in advance of the registry being made available to the public.

The government has worked to ensure all those who submitted an exemption request in advance of the launch of the registry will not have their information included in the registry until the registrar has finished processing their request.

Exemption requests can be made at any time. Once an exemption application is received through the Teacher Workforce Information System (TWINS), information related to the application will not appear in the registry while the application is pending.

For each exemption application, the Office of the Registrar will determine whether or not an exemption is warranted, and if so, whether to grant a partial or complete exemption. Exemption decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and will be rare. Reasons for an exemption may include:

  • a disclosure does not align with another enactment in Alberta or Canada
  • an order is issued by a court to not make information public
  • such a disclosure could cause injury or hardship to a person

Teachers and teacher leaders can visit the (TWINS) for more information.

Exemption applications

The process for requesting an exemption from the online registry is the same for all teachers, regardless of their employment status. Individuals who are not teachers or teacher leaders but who wish to apply for an exemption of information from the online registry may contact the Office of the Registrar at teacher.certification@gov.ab.ca for details.

The process for a teacher or teacher leader to apply for an exemption from the online registry is outlined below:

  1. Create an account on TWINS if you do not already have one. Read instructions on how to sign up and create a TWINS account.
  2. Update your contact information in TWINS.
  3. Select the “Apply for Teacher Registry Exemption” tab.
  4. Review the information and complete the exemption application in TWINS.

Part of the application process includes writing a signed and dated letter of explanation that clearly demonstrates the reasons for which the applicant is seeking an exemption from the online registry. The reasons need to show how such a disclosure:

  • would not align with another enactment in Alberta or Canada
  • is prevented by an order issued by a court
  • could cause injury or hardship to a person

Legal names

The registry includes all legal names of individuals known to the registrar. Individuals may apply for an exemption request to exclude a previous legal name in the online teacher registry if it may cause personal injury or hardship.

The Office of the Registrar will be in contact with everyone who requested an exemption to ensure all necessary information is considered before making a decision.

Individuals who legally changed their name:

  • are asked to update their personal information with the Office of the Registrar at Alberta Education
  • can log in to their self-serve account in TWINS to initiate a name change request

Read more about exemption applications.

Deceased relatives

The registry applies to all teachers and teacher leaders who are now, or have previously been, certificated in Alberta. This will help ensure that the registry is useful and relevant to all Albertans, regardless of when they went to school in the province.

The Office of the Registrar was obligated to reach out to all former educators using the contact information on file to ensure they were aware of the registry and provide them with the opportunity to apply for an exemption.

We understand that being reminded of a lost loved one is often difficult and can stir memories of their passing, and we empathize with families who received a letter for teachers who are now deceased.

Family members can contact the Office of the Registrar to inform them that an individual is deceased, or to request more information about the registry.


Connect with the Office of the Registrar if you have any questions about the exemption application process:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-2045
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: teacher.certification@gov.ab.ca