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Sub-regional planning engagements

Sub-regional plans support caribou recovery while also supporting a broad range of land uses and values.

Status: Ongoing
Who is listening: Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas


Alberta’s sub-regional plans are a key component of the province’s approach to supporting caribou recovery while maintaining a working landscape and supporting a board range of land uses and values including conversation, indigenous traditional use, recreation and economic development. 

Woodland caribou are listed as Threatened under both the federal Species at Risk Act and the provincial Wildlife Act. Without effective and immediate action, we risk losing this important and culturally significant species.

The Cold Lake and Bistcho Lake sub-regional plans were the first 2 of 11 sub-regional plans covering 15 caribou ranges in Alberta. 

Albertans will have opportunities to share feedback on the sub-regional plans as they are developed and released in support of sub-regional planning areas across the province. These plans are informed by recommendations provided by the Caribou sub-regional task forces.

Key features

The 3 key features of the sub-regional plans are:

  • guidance on the placement and duration of footprint from human activities, including roads, oil and gas development, timber harvest, geophysical exploration, surface material extraction, and recreation
  • restoration of legacy footprint (for example, seismic lines) no longer contributing to economic activities in the sub-region to create more intact caribou habitat without affecting current industrial activity
  • monitoring environmental and socio-economic indicators to improve understanding of whether the plan is achieving its outcomes and what changes may be required during the review period.