Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards - Nomination form

Nominate a youth, adult or senior volunteer who has contributed to the well-being of their community.

The Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards honour extraordinary Albertans whose formal volunteer efforts have contributed to the well-being of their community and fellow community members.

Partially completed nomination forms cannot be saved. Review the website content including the Nomination form outline for the Stars of Alberta Volunteer Awards prior to submitting your nomination.

Completed nomination forms must be submitted with the following attachments:

  • Consent form; and,
  • 1-2 reference letters

Deadline for nominations: Sunday, June 30, 2024

Nomination form

If "Breaking Barriers" is selected, select one from the following
Gender (select one)
Volunteer information
Organization information
Select the characteristics demonstrated by the nominee from the list below
  1. Reference Letter(s)
  2. Consent form
Maximum 3 files.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, jpg, png.