South Saskatchewan River Basin water management plan

This plan balances water consumption and environmental protection in the South Saskatchewan River Basin.

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The water management plan for the South Saskatchewan River recommends a balance that is broadly acceptable to the public between water consumption and environmental protection, in light of economic and social objectives and ecological requirements. The plan envisions future management in the basin combining innovative, efficient and productive water use and improved management of aquatic ecosystems. The plan also provides a foundation for future watershed management planning in the South Saskatchewan River Basin (SSRB).

A key outcome of the plan is a Crown reservation of water for the Bow, Oldman and South Saskatchewan River sub-basins. By establishing this, the Minister of Alberta Environment and Protected Areas identifies purposes for which water licences may still be granted and their priorities, from the unallocated water in these sub-basins.

River flows and advisories

Legislation and policy

Provincial legislation, regulations and policy that govern how water is managed in the SSRB specifically, including water allocation transfer information.

For further information on water legislation, policy, plans and administration subjects for the entire province, please see Water legislation and guidelines.


Regulations under the Water Act

Water management plans and policies under the Water Act

Water allocation transfers

International treaties and interprovincial agreements

Information sheets


Human use and consumption

Aquatic environment
