The Battle River Basin, a key watershed in east-central Alberta, covers approximately 30,000 square kilometres, most of which lies inside the province's borders. Extremely rich and diverse in plant and animal life, the basin's water supply is derived entirely from rain, snow melt and groundwater, without benefit of the mountain/foothill snowpacks or glacial melt typical of other river basins in Alberta.
Water management
Maintaining water quantity and quality in this basin is an ongoing challenge because of its naturally low flow volumes, conditions of the basin and the cumulative effects of municipal, industrial and agricultural activities.
The Alberta government began a process to develop a water management plan for the basin. See Terms Battle River Watershed Management Planning Process Phase One - Terms of Reference.
View information on the planning process at Battle River Watershed Alliance.
For more information see Approved Water Management Plan for the Battle River Basin (Alberta) for the following documents:
- Approved Water Management Plan for the Battle River Basin (Alberta)
- Approved Water Management Plan for the Battle River Basin (Alberta) - First Nations Consultation Report
- Establishment of Battle River Basin Water Conservation Objective
- What We Heard: Consultation on the Draft Approved Water Management Plan for the Battle River Basin
For additional information, connect with:
Greg Nelson, Senior Parks Planner
Phone: 403-755-6148
Fax: 403-754-6243
Email: greg.nelson@gov.ab.ca
700 Millennium Centre
4909 49 Street
Red Deer Alberta T4N 1V1