SHARP – Information for contractors

Information to help contractors understand SHARP’s consumer protection measures, duties and obligations.

Consumer protection

The Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP) includes consumer protection measures to help seniors understand their rights when they hire contractors and enter into contracts.

Contractors operating in Alberta should be aware of the following consumer protection measures:

  • SHARP will consider the reasonableness of the cost or fees to the senior for a home repair, renovation or adaptation as part of the loan approval process
  • seniors who apply to the program will have contract cancellation rights if they:
    • are not eligible for a loan
    • have not waived their right to cancel
    • have not accepted any of the goods or services agreed to in the contract
  • all current requirements for contractors and protections afforded to consumers under the Consumer Protection Act still apply
  • SHARP legislation ensures consumers get the information they need when they enter into a contract by obligating contractors to carry out specific duties

Contractor duties

Contractor duties and obligations are set out in section 7 (pages 6 to 8) in the Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Act and in section 18 (page 10) in the Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Regulation.

Before entering into a contract with a consumer, contractors are required to:

  1. Advise the consumer that the Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP) is available to provide home equity loans to cover the costs of certain home repairs, renovations or adaptations
  2. Advise the consumer that they have the right to cancel the contract if the consumer:
    • is not approved for a SHARP loan
    • has not chosen to waive their cancellation rights in writing, and
    • has not accepted delivery of the goods and services agreed to in the contract
  3. Provide the consumer a Statement of Cancellation rights
  4. Refund any money paid to them by the consumer, under the contract, within 15 days if the consumer cancels the contract within 30 days of finding out they are not eligible for a loan

Cancelling a contract

A consumer can cancel a contract by any method as long as they are able to provide evidence of the date a contract is cancelled.

Any money paid to the contractor must be returned to the consumer within 15 days of the contract cancellation.

Cancelling a contract in accordance with the Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Act means that the following agreements and transactions are cancelled as if they never existed:

  • the contract
  • any related transaction
  • any guarantee with respect to money payable
  • any credit arranged by the contractor whether or not included in the contract
  • any security given by the consumer

When the contract is an offer to buy, the offer is withdrawn.


Seniors’ Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP) – information sheet

Seniors Home Adaptation and Repair Program Questions and Answers for Contractors

Disclaimer: The information on this website is provided for your personal or educational use only. It is not legal advice. In the event of any discrepancy between this information and legislation, the legislation is considered correct.


Connect with the Alberta Supports Contact Centre:

Hours: 7:30 am to 8:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-9992
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992
