Sexual violence – Get help

Helplines, victim services, shelters and other supports to help those affected by sexual violence.

Call 911 if you are in immediate danger.

Contact 211 Alberta – If you are unsure who to call or what service you need. They will help you determine what you need and will connect you to the appropriate social, health or government service, including an appropriate crisis support line.

Contact the Alberta One-Line for Sexual Violence at 1-866-403-8000 if you have experienced any form of sexual violence, need crisis support or need help finding sexual-assault support services.

Sexual assault services

Association of Alberta Sexual Assault Services

Alberta’s One-Line for Sexual Violence – if you have experienced any form of sexual violence and need crisis support or if you need help finding sexual assault support services in Alberta.


Shelters can provide you a place to stay if you need to escape family violence or are experiencing homelessness.

Family violence

​Financial supports

Victim and legal services

  • Victim services units – if you need help finding supports available to you, assistance with restraining and protection orders, and/or navigating the criminal justice process
  • Legal Aid Alberta – if you need help with legal issues
  • Elizabeth Fry Society of Edmonton – independent legal advice for survivors of sexual violence; available to adults (18+) of any gender who live in Alberta and have experienced sexual violence in Alberta
    • Phone: 780-784-2213 (9 am to 4 pm, Monday to Thursday; 9 am to 3 pm, Friday)

Indigenous supports

2SLGBTQQIA+ supports

Kids helpline

Information in other languages

Information about helplines, victim services, shelters and other supports are provided in multiple languages:

Quick Escape