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203 results
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Stakeholders shared input to help inform Alberta’s energy storage policy.
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Albertans shared their feedback on our palliative and end-of-life care system. A final report was released on November 18, 2021.
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Feedback was gathered to help inform the development of a modern minerals strategy that will promote innovation and sustainable, responsible growth while diversifying our economy.
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Gathered input on the future of time change in Alberta.
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The panel explored ways to make Alberta’s affordable housing system more efficient and effective.
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Stakeholders shared their feedback on the Public Health Guidelines for Non-Municipal Drinking Water.
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Albertans shared feedback to help strengthen and modernize privacy protections.
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Albertans provided their feedback to help shape and inform the provincial budget.
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Partners and stakeholders shared their feedback on the Education Services Agreement draft standards.
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Opportunities to help inform the development of environmental management frameworks to address pressures on surface water resources.
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In 2018, Albertans provided feedback on a recovery plan for the western grebe population in Alberta.
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Albertans shared feedback on a draft recovery plan that will help conserve 3 species of fish in Alberta.

Definitions of engagement terms.

For engagements older than 2016, visit engagements 2012 to 2015.