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204 results
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Providing recommendations to the Government of Alberta on ways to improve the aviation and aerospace sector to boost economic growth in Alberta.
A woman and young child sit at a table. The woman sits with a laptop and the girl is holding a pencil, writing on paper. They're looking at each other and smiling.
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Albertans shared their thoughts on what they would like students to learn in the social studies curriculum.
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Albertans shared feedback on proposed updates to modernize the Institutions Regulation to help prevent injury and illness.
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Feedback from Albertans helped inform the establishment of Big Island Provincial Park.
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Albertans shared feedback on a draft bull trout recovery plan.
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Group members will help inform government plans for additional environmental monitoring downstream of the Kearl Oil Sands Project.
City of Edmonton - view across the river and bridge with downtown office buildings
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Members will address social issues in the Edmonton metropolitan region through a coordinated response between the province, city and local partners.
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Bringing together experts from Alberta's major industries to help identify and cut unnecessary red tape.
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Albertans shared their perspectives on the impact racism has in this province and on government actions to address racism.
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Stakeholders shared feedback to help inform proposed amendments that would allow increased stormwater use.
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Post-secondary students shared input to help address gender-based violence on Alberta's campuses.
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Stakeholders shared their ideas for what a new provincial police service in Alberta could look like.

Definitions of engagement terms.

For engagements older than 2016, visit engagements 2012 to 2015.