School Bus Driver Improvement Program

The School Bus Driver Improvement Program gives drivers additional training to allow them to drive a school bus safely.


Drivers must obtain the S endorsement if they will be driving a vehicle that meets the definition of a school bus, unless exempt under the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation.

You must have a valid Alberta driver’s licence to take the School Bus Driver Improvement Program to get the S endorsement. You are not eligible if you have a suspended driver's licence. For more information, see the Licensed Driver Training School Procedures Manual.

School bus drivers

Drivers need the correct class of driver’s licence for the type of school bus that they will drive. The required class of licence for a school bus is decided by its designed seating capacity.

Class 1 drivers, who must complete Mandatory Entry Level Training (MELT), and Class 2 drivers can drive any size of school bus, if they meet the following requirements:

  • pass all required testing to obtain their Class 1 or Class 2 licence, and
  • have an S endorsement on their driver’s licence, unless exempt under the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation

Class 4 drivers are restricted to school buses that have designed seating capacities up to 24 passengers. For these smaller vehicles, Class 4 school bus drivers must:

  • complete and pass the required Class 4 testing, and
  • have an S endorsement on their driver’s licence, unless exempt under the Operator Licensing and Vehicle Control Regulation

Regardless of designed seating capacity, if a school bus has air brakes, the driver requires the Q endorsement.

Existing school bus drivers

If you drive a vehicle that meets the definition of a school bus, you must have an S endorsement on your driver's licence.

How it works

Class 2 Post Licensing Competency Grant

Transportation and Economic Corridors has developed a new voluntary post-licensing on-the-job training grant program. This voluntary training program will be designed to provide participants with job-related skills, knowledge and competencies to meet the full scope of work performed by a school bus driver. This program, which will be administered in partnership with Alberta Education, will begin summer 2023 and is focused on helping alleviate labour shortages. Updates to become available later in April 2023.



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