Safety and maintenance programs are written documents that outline safe policies and procedures for a transportation company. All National Safety Code (NSC) carriers are required by law to write and implement these programs. To assist carriers in meeting this requirement, sample program documents have been prepared.
Sample safety and maintenance programs
The sample programs contain the minimum policies expected by law. These documents are samples only. It is strongly recommended that carriers use these samples only as a guideline for developing their own programs with more detailed policies that meet their specific operational needs.
Anyone can prepare a carrier's safety and maintenance programs as long as they understand what safety areas must be included. Carriers may write the programs themselves, or hire a consultant for assistance. A list of some consultants is available online at Facility audits and investigations. Carriers must implement their safety and maintenance programs, evaluate them periodically, and update as necessary.
Carriers with smaller fleets that choose to use these sample programs to meet minimum regulatory requirements must go through the sample document and fill in the required fields. These sample programs are not intended to be used to meet minimum requirements by carriers with larger and/or mixed fleets.
Any attempt to submit the document without completing all of the fields will result in an error message when the "Submit" or "Print" button is clicked on the last page.
Sample programs
Provincial carriers
Federal carriers
Submitting programs for review
Carriers that are required to submit their safety and maintenance programs for review must also complete and submit these forms with their programs:
More information
For more information about safety and maintenance program requirements, refer to the following documents:
Note: When writing a transportation safety program, carriers should also consider Occupational Health and Safety requirements. Occupational Health and Safety programs alone do not meet National Safety Code requirements. These programs have very different objectives and both need to be considered.