What's new – Additional grant funding is available for rural Indigenous and small communities.


The Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan sets out a 5-year commitment that guides rural economic growth, reflecting on innovation, diversification, and sustainable, long-term economic development. The plan outlines 5 strategic directions, each of which connects to supporting initiatives already underway as well as new actions we are taking to ensure rural Albertans have economic opportunities where they live.

Rural Albertans and Indigenous community members helped inform the plan by sharing their perspectives on the successes, challenges and opportunities of rural economic development.

Together, we are working toward the vision that Alberta’s rural community is resilient, innovative and prosperous, providing sustainable economic opportunities for individuals, families, businesses and visitors.

New grant funding available

Alberta’s government is providing an additional $3 million to Indigenous and small communities in rural Alberta to support local economic development.

Indigenous and small communities are vital to Alberta and its long-term economic prosperity. In December 2022, we recognized the importance of these communities by releasing the Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan.

We're investing in the second round of grants through the Small Community Opportunity Program to further implement this plan.

Learn more and apply

Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan

Cover image of the Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan

The plan's 5 strategic directions and corresponding initiatives and actions will support capacity building in the key areas of entrepreneurship, skills development, small business supports, marketing rural and Indigenous communities, promoting tourism, and rural economic development interconnectivity at the regional level.

Review the highlights of the 5 strategic directions below or read the full plan.

Read the full plan

Photo of irrigation equipment in a canola field.

Strategic direction 1: Economic development-enabling infrastructure

Identify and improve power, water, telecommunications and transportation networks to support investment and growth in rural Alberta.

Photo of grain elevators

Strategic direction 2: Rural business supports and entrepreneurship

Increase access to supports for entrepreneurship and small business capacity to help grow a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship across rural Alberta.

Photo of two students in a lab measuring a liquid into a tube.

Strategic direction 3: Support for labour force and skills development

Enable skills development to enhance rural workforce capacity to support community services such as health, education and business.

Photo of a film crew standing on a platform in front of a dam.

Strategic direction 4: Marketing and promoting rural tourism

Enhance rural Alberta’s reputation and capacity as a diverse tourism destination through the development of new products and experiences, helping to attract and retain talent that supports other industries.

Photo of two people shaking hands over a desk with a pens and papers laying on it.

Strategic direction 5: Rural economic development capacity building

Enhance rural economic development through regional and targeted capacity building.

How we got here

We held a series of engagement sessions with rural stakeholders and Indigenous communities from Winter 2021 to Spring 2022. Their input helped inform a plan to address the unique challenges and opportunities of economic development in rural Alberta.

Key aspects of the draft Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan were presented to rural Albertans for further discussion and input during engagement sessions held in Summer 2022.

Next steps

The Economic Development in Rural Alberta Plan outlines commitments that will guide economic growth and diversification until 2028. A final impact report will be released at that time.


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Toll free: 310-FARM (310-3276) (in Alberta)
Phone: 403-742-7901 (outside Alberta)
Email: 310-farm@gov.ab.ca
