If a rodent is spotted in the daylight crossing a road or highway, it is unlikely to be a rat and probably is a muskrat.
Norway and roof rats can be identified by a number of distinguishing characteristics and clues. However, most ‘rats’ reported in Alberta are in fact other rodents such as muskrats. Before reporting a rat, view the list below, then find out how to identify rats and their signs.
Rodents mistaken for rats
Muskrats are commonly seen travelling overland and sometimes far distances from water, especially in the fall and spring. Many ‘rats’ reported in Alberta are actually muskrats.
- Colour: brown/black
- Size: body is approximately 45 to 70 cm (18 to 27 in) long
- Other features: large toenails on hind feet and long, scaled, blackish, flattened tail
Deer (or white-footed) mouse
- Regulated nuisance in Alberta
- Colour: variations of brown
- Size: body is 8 to 10 cm (3 to 4 in) long
- Other features: large, beady eyes and large ears
- See also: Mice and Their Control
House mouse
- Regulated nuisance in Alberta
- Colour: grayish-brown, with gray or buff belly
- Size: body is 6.5 to 9 cm (2.5 to 3.5 in) long
- Other features: slightly pointed nose, small feet, small, black protruding eyes, large ears
- See also: Mice and Their Control
Northern pocket gopher
- Regulated nuisance in Alberta
- Colour: grey/brown
- Size: body is 15 to 25 cm (6 to 8 in) long
- Other features: distinctive cheek pouches, long incisor teeth, long feet, large claws, short tail
- See also: Control of Pocket Gophers and Ground Squirrels
Meadow vole (field mouse)
- Regulated nuisance in Alberta
- Colour: dark brown to reddish brown
- Size: body approximately 9 to 14 cm (3.5 to 5.5 in) long
- Other features: stocky with short legs and tail; ears partially hidden
- See also: Mice and Their Control
Richardson ground squirrel (gopher)
- Regulated nuisance in Alberta
- Colour: Buffy grey, flecked appearance caused by speckling of dark hairs and black tip on tail
- Size: body is 20 to 24 cm (8 to 9.5 in) long
- Other features: tiny ears, large eyes, bushy tail
- See also: Managing Richardson’s Ground Squirrels, Control of Pocket Gophers and Ground Squirrels
- Colour: reddish, rusty brown
- Size: body is approximately 20 cm long
Ord’s kangaroo rat
- Endangered species in Alberta
- Colour: Brownish orange with greyish black on the midline
- Size: Body approximately 10 to 12 cm (4 to 5 in); tail can be 13 to 16 cm (5 to 6 in) long
Image credit: Ord's Kangaroo rat, Alberta by Andy Teucher is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
Bushy tailed wood rat (pack rat)
- Regulated nuisance in Alberta
- Colour: silver grey to dark grey to brown
- Size: body is 20 to 25 cm (8 to 10 in), tail length is 10 to 21 cm (4 to 8 in)
- Other features: bushy tail
Rodent comparison
See Rat and Mouse Comparison fact sheet.
For size comparison, see below, top to bottom: mouse, vole, juvenile roof rat, pocket gopher, Norway rat

Report a rat
If you think you saw a rat, see how to identify and report a rat.