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Pests and disease
Diseases, insects, vertebrates and invasive plants that require active pest management to protect Alberta’s agriculture industry.
Learn about steps that can help increase herbicide effectiveness and reduce herbicide resistance.
Prevention, monitoring and control of these reportable and notifiable diseases protects public and animal health in Alberta.
Regulated and non-regulated plant diseases that can harm cereal, forage, pulse, oilseed, fruit, vegetable and other crops.
Data to help producers decide if they should treat crops for a specific insect pest.
Read about forest pests and use the interactive tool to diagnose forest and tree pests or damaging agents.
Crop management strategies such as prevention, monitoring and control can be used together to minimize the use of agricultural pesticides.
Alberta’s Weed Control Act states that prohibited noxious weeds must be destroyed and noxious weeds must be controlled.
Prevention and control of agricultural vertebrate pests.