The Restricted Driver’s Licence (Demerit) Program allows fully licensed (non-Graduated Driver’s Licence) drivers with a demerit suspension to apply for and obtain a restricted driver’s licence to drive for their primary employment, education or medical purposes. Specific eligibility criteria must be met to be approved to participate.
Demerit driving suspensions are administered when fully licensed drivers accumulate 15 or more demerit points within a 2 year period. Demerit points are assigned for traffic violation contraventions.
For more information related to demerits, see the Demerit Point Program and Service of Documents Regulation in the Traffic Safety Act.
Factors such as readily available access to other means of transportation (for example, public transportation), hours of work, travel time to and from work and medical needs are considered in assessing your application and supporting documents to participate.
Applications for a secondary source of employment, education or the medical condition of others will not be taken into consideration.
Complete the following steps to confirm eligibility. Ensure you have fully read, understand and agree to the eligibility criteria listed in the Restricted Driver’s Licence (Demerit) Program Information Sheet.
- Confirm your eligibility to participate by reviewing the criteria listed in the Restricted Driver’s Licence (Demerit) Program Information Sheet, which is also available free of charge at any Alberta registry agent.
- Purchase a driver's abstract from any Alberta registry agent.
Graduated Driver’s Licence Drivers
Those licensed under the Graduated Driver’s Licence Program are not eligible to participate in the Restricted Driver’s Licence (Demerit) Program.
However, if you are eligible to exit the Graduated Driver’s Licence Program to become a fully licensed driver, you can schedule an appointment for the Class 5 advanced road test. Once you have successfully completed the Class 5 advanced road test, you can exit the Graduated Driver’s Licence Program by obtaining a non-Graduated Driver’s Licence and at that time, you may apply to participate in the Restricted Driver’s Licence (Demerit) Program. This process must be fully completed prior to the demerit suspension taking effect.
Obtaining your non-restricted driver’s licence
The restricted driver’s licence is generally valid for the length of your demerit suspension term, except when:
- Your restricted driver’s licence has been revoked for receiving a driving-related traffic ticket or contravention.
- Law enforcement determines you’re driving outside your restrictions.
You must return the restricted driver’s licence to any Alberta registry agent to have your non-restricted driver’s licence reissued.
After a demerit suspension, you will be reinstated with 7 demerit points on your driver’s abstract (driving record). These demerit points will stay on your record for 2 years from the date of reinstatement.
If you receive a driving-related traffic ticket (for example, speeding, distracted driving, or a DUI), your restricted driver's licence will be immediately revoked, and you will be required to serve the remainder of your demerit suspension term without an ability to drive.
If you do not abide by the restrictions of your restricted driver’s licence, you may face any of the following consequences:
- You cannot re-apply during this period to the Restricted Driver’s Licence (Demerit) Program.
- The vehicle you are driving may be seized by law enforcement.
- You may face additional charges of driving while unauthorized by law enforcement. If convicted, this will result in an additional driver’s licence suspension.
Request to review a decision
If your application to participate is denied, you can request a review of this decision.
Section 34 of the Traffic Safety Act allows for a denial decision to be reconsidered by the Registrar within 30 calendar days from the date of the decision letter. It is important to note the only applications eligible for reconsideration are those that are able to provide the following:
- indication we made an error on the original decision
- new information that was not available to us in the original decision
Go to Contact Registrar Reconsideration to have this decision reconsidered by the Registrar or if you have any further questions regarding the reconsideration process.
Once you apply for a Registrar Reconsideration, we will no longer comment or assist on the issue until that process has been completed. This protects the integrity of the Registrar Reconsideration processes and avoids any real or perceived influence, interference, or manipulation.