Contact Registrar Reconsideration

Contact the Registrar Reconsideration office using the online form.

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Contact form

Use the online form to contact the Registrar Reconsideration office. The form helps us understand what you need and direct your request to the right person. We will respond within 5 business days.

If your inquiry is related to an impaired driving event or vehicle seizure, email SafeRoads at

Before applying for a Registrar Reconsideration, you need to contact the program area to answer all your questions. When you are ready to file an application, you need to email the completed application form to

This contact form does not replace an application.

*Topic: Ignition Interlock Program (IIP) reviews such as: IIP term extensions, IIP exemption request decisions, full reinstatement from participating in IIP, IIP application decisions.

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.