24-hour help
Call 911 if you or the person you are reporting for is in immediate danger.
Call Child Intervention 24/7 at 1-800-638-0715:
- Identify the region you are from when prompted. Find your region.
- You will be placed in a queue and informed that calls are recorded.
- If busy, you can choose to remain in the queue or leave a message to receive a call back.
Elsewhere in the world call 00-1-780-427-9485.
Child abuse, neglect and exploitation have many different warning signs. Learn to recognize them.
Community resources
There are a wide variety of resources available through community organizations. Ask your caseworker or other agency workers to recommend ones that are right for you.
Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. For help opening the forms, contact PDF form technical support.
- Application and Request for Review of Confinement form (CSE0015) - Protection of Sexually Exploited Children Act
- Notice and Application by a Former Guardian to Terminate a Permanent Guardianship Order form (CS0025)
- Notice and Application for a Private Guardianship Order (CS0458)
- Notice and Application for a Review form (CS1597)
- Notice to Band of Private Guardianship Application (CS12166)
Legislation and policy
Call the Provincial Intake Line
Call Child Intervention 24/7 at 1-800-638-0715:
- Identify the region you are from when prompted. Find your region.
- You will be placed in a queue and informed that calls are recorded.
- If busy, you can choose to remain in the queue or leave a message to receive a call back.
Elsewhere in the world call 00-1-780-427-9485.
Connect with us to get assistance in your area during business hours: