24-hour help
Call 911 if you or the person you are reporting for is in immediate danger.
Call Child Intervention 24/7 at 1-800-638-0715:
- Identify the region you are from when prompted. Find your region.
- You will be placed in a queue and informed that calls are recorded.
- If busy, you can choose to remain in the queue or leave a message to receive a call back.
Elsewhere in the world call 00-1-780-427-9485.
Child abuse, neglect and exploitation have many different warning signs. Learn to recognize them.
How we assess the concern
Child Intervention assesses every call or referral we receive about your child’s well-being or safety. We respond to each concern to determine if they may need intervention. This happens in 2 parts.
If your child is safe
After we have gathered information and talked with you and your family, we may decide that your child is safe. We will close the file and end our involvement with your family.
Your caseworkers may help you connect with other services to support you, if needed. Some examples include:
- parenting supports, courses and tips
- programs on family life, family violence, parenting, healthy lifestyle choices, self-awareness and personal growth
- counselling services
If there are safety concerns
After we have gathered information and talked with you and your family, we may decide that you require additional support to keep your child safe and home. This is called legal status. Your caseworkers may:
- help you develop a safety plan you both agree on – it will be based on your family’s strengths and the supports you need to help keep your child safe at home
- ask you to participate in meetings with people who can support you
- ask you to work with us and possibly other services to make your home safer
- want to stay involved with your family to make sure that you have the right supports to keep your child safe
There are 2 ways for us to stay involved with your family:
If your child comes into care
Our top priority is to keep families together whenever safely possible. Sometimes we may decide that it is best for the child to be outside of your home while we work with you to address concerns. When this happens, we may place them in care.
While your child is in care, we work with you and your supports to address concerns and get them home as soon as possible.
We will also develop a plan for your child. This happens with input from them, you and your family, and other people who are important to them. The plan makes sure your child is supported by:
- providing them with stability and continuing care
- keeps them connected to their family, community and culture
- respecting their heritage, culture and religion
- helping them feel secure and develop healthy long-term relationships
Placement options
The following placement options are available for your child, depending on your situation:
Supports for children in care
During their time in care, your child will receive a variety of services, supports, supervision and guidance based on their age and unique needs. This may include:
- medical, dental and vision care
- counselling and mental health supports
- cultural planning supports to stay connected with their home community and/or culture
- support to develop and maintain relationships with friends, family and mentors such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters
- disability services like speech therapy, aide support, specialized equipment
- child care
- access to their family and home community
- a recreation allowance for things like sports fees, music lessons or movies
- registered education savings plan (RESP) in their name and annual contributions while in care
- Supports for financial assistance
- Advancing Futures Bursary for post-secondary education
Children and youth in care may also receive advocacy support and legal representation through the Office of the Child and Youth Advocate.
When children leave care
Call the Provincial Intake Line
Call Child Intervention 24/7 at 1-800-638-0715:
- Identify the region you are from when prompted. Find your region.
- You will be placed in a queue and informed that calls are recorded.
- If busy, you can choose to remain in the queue or leave a message to receive a call back.
Elsewhere in the world call 00-1-780-427-9485.
Connect with us to get assistance in your area during business hours:
Children's Services offices