Residential addiction treatment service provider licensing

Providers of residential addiction treatment services must meet core requirements and be licensed by the Alberta government.

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Residential addiction treatment service provider licensing

Service providers are required to hold a licence under the Mental Health Services Protection Act.


Residential addiction treatment service providers must meet all applicable quality, safety and other requirements and be licensed under the Mental Health Services Protection Act and the Mental Health Services Protection Regulation. In addition, service providers must meet all applicable requirements under the Residential Addiction Treatment Services Standards.

This regulatory framework provides provincial oversight and standardization for residential addiction treatment services in Alberta, ensuring that Albertans receive safe, quality care and consumer protections.

The framework:

  • requires licensing
  • ensures service providers meet core requirements such as policy and procedures for:
    • consent to services
    • service contracts
    • incident prevention and response
    • critical incident reporting
    • record creation, maintenance and retention
  • gives government authority to address complaints and concerns and to amend, suspend or cancel a service provider's operating licence

Licensed service providers

Find a licensed residential addiction treatment service provider in your area.

Service providers are required to post their licence in their facility where it can be easily seen by the public, and on their website, if applicable.

Providers of residential addiction treatment services must meet core requirements and be licensed by the Alberta government – contact us.

Complaints or concerns

If you have a concern about possible abuse, please contact the Provincial Abuse Line at 1-855-4HELPAB (443-5722).

All licensed residential addiction treatment service providers in the province are required to have a complaint process.

If you have concerns about the treatment or services you or someone else is receiving from a residential addiction treatment service provider, contact the service provider first.

If your concern or complaint is still unresolved, contact us if it is about:

  • Mental Health Services Protection Act or Mental Health Services Protection Regulation requirements not being followed
  • an unlicensed service provider offering or providing residential addiction treatment services

Complaint resolution

When you contact us:

  • a complaints officer will collect the necessary details to follow up on your concern – have as much of the following information available as possible:
    • name and address (including municipality) of the facility or service provider
    • a brief summary of your concern or complaint and when it occurred
    • names, titles and contact numbers of people you have spoken to about your concern or complaint (for example, the manager, senior manager or board member) and their involvement in trying to resolve it
  • we will assess the risks associated with your complaint, and may conduct an investigation or contact other relevant authorities, or both, as required
  • you will receive a follow up letter with the outcome of your complaint
  • we will make every effort to protect your identity
    • Personal and health information is managed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Health Information Act.

Apply for a licence

If you plan to start offering or providing residential addiction treatment services, contact us to begin the licensing process.

If you disagree with a decision made by Compliance and Monitoring regarding a residential addiction treatment service provider licence, you may be able to appeal it. Appeals are managed by the Appeals Secretariat, a neutral government office that operates separately from Compliance and Monitoring.

Find out how to appeal

Forms and guides

Critical incident reporting and duty to notify

Licensed residential addiction treatment service providers are required to report to the Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction of critical incidents that have caused or threatens to cause serious injury or death. In addition, service providers have a duty to notify or report on situations that may jeopardize the service provider’s ability to provide services and/or situations that may be injurious to the safety or health of clients.

To report a critical incident or on a duty to notify, follow these steps:

  1. Use the decision process document to determine if an incident is reportable.
  2. Download the Critical Incident Reporting and Duty to Notify Form.
  3. Open the form from the download folder, complete the form, and save the form on your computer.
  4. Open the following web portal and fill out the required information: Mental Health and Addiction – Submit Compliance and Monitoring Documents.
  5. Upload the completed form on the portal and click Submit.

Fillable PDF forms may not open properly on some mobile devices and web browsers. See the step-by-step guide or contact PDF form technical support.


Connect with Compliance and Monitoring:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-427-8740 for questions about provider licensing
Phone: 780-422-4703 to speak with a complaints officer about concerns regarding services
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)

Mailing address:
Alberta Mental Health and Addiction
Attn: Compliance and Monitoring Unit
Telus House, 13th floor
10020 100 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 0N3

Service providers may use the following web portal to submit documents related to critical incidents, duty to notify and licensing: Mental Health and Addiction – Submit Compliance and Monitoring Documents