Recreation on agricultural public land – User responsibilities

Recreational users who want to access agricultural public land have a responsibility to follow the Recreational Access Regulation.

Contact information and access conditions for agricultural dispositions in Alberta are now available on the new Recreation access on agricultural public lands web map.


Recreational access to agricultural public land is managed under the Recreational Access Regulation, which clarifies the rules for recreational access on public lands leased for grazing or cultivation.

Under the Recreational Access Regulation, leaseholders are required to allow reasonable recreational access to the land as long as the activity does not put the land, crops or livestock at risk. A leaseholder can limit access under certain conditions.

Learn more about leaseholder responsibilities for recreational access.

Recreational user responsibilities

Recreational users are responsible for following the Recreational Access Regulation before and while accessing agricultural public land.

Before you travel on agricultural public land, you must:


If you have questions about getting access to agricultural public land for recreation activities, contact 310-LAND (5263).