Alberta's hunting community plays a vital role in wildlife management in the province.
It is important that hunters continue a tradition of responsible hunting practices while keeping well informed about current hunting regulations and requirements.
Alberta Hunting Regulations
To obtain a printed copy of the Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations or the Alberta Hunting Draws, visit a licensing issuer in Alberta.
View the Alberta Hunting Regulations.
Hunting on Crown and private lands
It is the hunter’s responsibility to ensure they have the proper permission to hunt, whether on private or Crown land. Getting permission should be done at least two weeks prior to when they wish to go hunting.
Private land
Permission is required to hunt on private land, and the landowner may deny access for any reason.
Provincial grazing reserves
Contact is required for some provincial grazing reserves prior to hunting under the Recreational Access Regulation.
Recreational user responsibilities for accessing agricultural Crown land
Contact is required for some agricultural Crown land prior to hunting under the Recreational Access Regulation.
Parks, natural areas and recreation areas
There are hunting opportunities on more than 85% of the land base in Alberta's parks system.
Learn more about land access at My Wild Alberta
Information for Indigenous hunters
- Indigenous Hunting and Fishing in Alberta
Legal rights and responsibilities for First Nations and Métis harvesters living in the Province of Alberta.
Wildlife issues
Chronic Wasting Disease
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a serious disease that can infect and kill members of the deer family such as white-tailed deer, mule deer, moose and elk.
Find useful information about CWD and how you can help with CWD testing and surveillance in Alberta. See:
- Chronic Wasting Disease – Information for Hunters
Basic information on CWD, as well as information about freezer locations where you can turn in harvested deer heads for testing.
Hunting in Bear Country
When hunting in bear country, special precautions should be taken before, during and after your hunt. See:
Related Information
- AlbertaRELM is a secure online service for Alberta hunters, offering such features as:
- Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) head submission test results
- Hunting licence purchase, renewal and replacement
- Wildlife Certificate, bird licence and bowhunting permit purchase
- Wildlife Identification Number (WIN) application, renewal and replacement
- My Wild Alberta is dedicated to Alberta's anglers, hunters and trappers - developed in co-operation with numerous community stakeholder organizations.
My Wild Alberta provides a wealth of resources and information related to hunting in the province, including hunting draws, land access, licenses and fees, safety procedures, and more. Visit:
- Wildlife Act
Review the Act for Alberta laws concerning licences and permits, hunting and related outdoor activities, and more. Also refer to: