Rangeland Sustainability Program

Organizations can apply for grant funding for projects promoting the conservation and long-term sustainability of Alberta’s rangelands.

Important dates

The Rangeland Sustainability Program is now open for the 2024-25 fiscal year. The application deadline is 11:59 pm, October 16.


The Rangeland Sustainability Program (RSP) works to promote the conservation and long-term sustainability of Alberta’s rangelands and the ecosystem services these working landscapes provide. Alberta’s Rangelands provide many ecological goods and services that benefit all Albertans. Clean air, fresh water, food, timber, wildlife habitat, biodiversity, soil stabilization, pollination, buffering from extreme weather events like floods and fires, and carbon sequestration and storage are all direct benefits from Alberta’s rangeland. Rangelands also provide a sustainable and renewable source of livestock forage, contributing to the livelihoods of farmers and ranchers and supporting the foundations of vibrant rural communities in Alberta.

About the program

The Rangeland Sustainability Program provides funding for collaborative projects with partners and stakeholders across the province that:

  • remove barriers to successful stewardship for rangeland managers to support economic, social and environmental outcomes
  • support research programs that increase knowledge and understanding of rangeland management to achieve long-term sustainability outcomes
  • support Albertans and industry stakeholders in their efforts to implement rangeland sustainability stewardship through education initiatives and tool development

Funding for the Rangeland Sustainability Program grant funding comes from a portion of annual grazing rental revenue. The program budget changes annually as grazing rental revenue is based on a variable market-based rental (for example: cattle prices). For more information on how the grazing rental rate will change, see Public land grazing rent and assignment fee.


How to apply

Develop an eligible project that supports one or more of the priority funding themes listed below. The 2024 application form is now available:

The annual application deadline is 11:59 pm October 16, 2024.

Priority funding themes

For more information, contact: epa.rsp@gov.ab.ca


Approved grants

Read approved grants, recipients and project details from past Rangeland Sustainability Program funding:


Connect with the Rangeland Sustainability Program:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 310-3773 (in Alberta)
Email: epa.rsp@gov.ab.ca