Professional development support directive

This directive covers professional development available to APS employees, approving requests and financial supports.


This directive applies to all Alberta Public Service (APS) employees, with exception of wage staff; and provides direction on the available supports for corporate learning and professional development. It also reflects the commitment to continuous learning and development (L&D) that is based on the following L&D principles when approving such requests in the APS:

  • the learning activity must demonstrate fiscal prudence and adds value to the APS by supporting business objectives and priorities
  • the learning must be applicable to the employee’s current role with the ability to apply the learning on the job, and
  • there should be minimal operational impact to the work area and other staff members when engaging in the learning activity


This directive contains information on the types of professional development available to APS employees, approving requests, as well as financial support for learning and professional designations, and leave provisions.

Types of available professional development

L&D opportunities are offered internally through the APS and externally through outside organizations.

Approving professional development

Approval of L&D requests is based on the L&D principles above.

Where possible, employees should default to seek out L&D opportunities offered internally within the APS. Fiscal responsibility must be demonstrated by selecting professional development that is no to low cost, as defined by the responsible Deputy Head.

Employees must discuss and submit requests for L&D activities to their supervisors. Approvals are at the discretion of the appropriate decision makers in the HR Decision Matrix.

For internal training requests under the PD Framework:

  • Mandatory training – Must be approved for all employees.
  • Core development training – Must be approved for target employee groups.
  • Self-directed learning and proficiency enhancement (elective training) – Approvals are discretionary based on the principles outlined above.

Financial support for external training, such as post-secondary education and general interest professional development are not permissible in periods of fiscal restraint. Exceptions to this shall be approved by the deputy head based on the principles outlined above.

All approved professional development activities must be the result of discussions with the supervisor and identified in the employee’s Performance Agreement.

Financial support for professional development

As approval for financial support may include associated costs such as registration fees, travel, time away from the worksite, etc., expense approvals must comply with the Government of Alberta’s Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Policy.

Upon approval, financial support for professional development activities may be provided in various ways including:

  • The APS pays the cost directly.
  • Employees are reimbursed the cost of the professional development and/or other approved expenses upon completion of the L&D activity (for example, travel, course fee, etc.). Original receipts must be provided for reimbursement. Expenses are subject to department finance processing policies.

If the L&D initiative is considered to be of significant investment by the responsible Deputy Head, the employee may be required to enter into a Return Service Agreement. More information can be found in the Return Service Commitment for Professional Development Directive.

About this directive

Reference to applicable legislation (act or regulation):Section 6(1)(d),(e), Public Service Act
Application:All employees appointed or employed pursuant to the Public Service Act within a department, as defined in sections 1(b)(i) and 1(b)(ii) of the Public Service Act, with the exception of wage employees.
Last updated:February 2022
Last reviewed:February 2022
Amended by:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Strategic Services and Public Agency Secretariat, Workforce Development and Analytics