Performance excellence directive

This directive covers the systems for assessing employee and organizational performance in the Alberta Public Service.


​​This directive describes the establishment and maintenance of systems for assessing organizational and employee performance.

Assessing performance

The Alberta Government supports the need for each department to continuously assess organizational and employee performance to support the achievement of corporate and ministerial vision and business plans.

Deputy heads will establish and maintain department performance excellence program ensuring that:

  • performance goals and measures grow out of a department's business plans
  • employee performance goals and measures align with those of the organization
  • departments, teams, and individuals are rewarded and recognized based on outcomes achieved consistent with these measures

Consulting assistance

Consulting assistance on organizational performance, employee performance, rewards and recognition, and implementation support is available from departmental teams or groups responsible for performance excellence within individual departments and Public Service Commission.

Consulting assistance on business planning and organizational performance results is available from Alberta Finance.

About this directive

Authority:Public Service Employment Regulation
Application:Organizations under the Public Service Act
Effective Date:April 1, 2005 (updated April 3, 2013)
Contact:Alberta Public Service Commission:
Leadership and Talent Development; Talent Management