Current provincial population estimates

See population estimates and statistics, components of change, demographic spotlight reports and a list of demographic terms.


A population estimate is a measure of the current or historical population at a particular point in time. These are the key highlights for the third quarter of 2024:

  • Despite signs of easing, Alberta’s population growth rate led the country for the fifth straight quarter.
  • Immigration to the province set a new third quarter record and was the second highest share in the country.
  • Following the pattern at the national level and in most provinces, Alberta’s gains from non-permanent residents (NPR) slowed considerably in the third quarter, likely impacted by recent federal government policy changes.
  • Alberta registered the highest net interprovincial migration gains in Canada in the third quarter, the ninth quarter in a row.

For more information and analysis, see the Third Quarter Population Report.

Detailed population tables

Population change components

Population change is a result of the relationship between births, deaths and migration.


  • Natural increase – The difference between the number of births and deaths.
  • Migration (net) – The difference between movements into a region and those out of a region.
  • International migration (net) – This includes immigrants, emigrants, non-permanent residents (net), temporarily abroad (net) and returning migrants:
    • Immigrants – permanent residents moving to Canada from other countries and landing in Alberta.
    • Emigrants – people permanently leaving Canada
    • Non-permanent residents (net) – in and out movements of foreign students, workers and refugee claimants, and the families of each of these categories
    • Temporarily abroad (net) – movements of people who do not have a residence in Canada, but intend to return
    • Returning migrants – former emigrants who have returned to Canada to live
  • Interprovincial migration (net) – The movement between the provinces and territories of Canada, which equals 0 at the national level.
  • Intraprovincial migration (net) – The movement within the province of Alberta, which equals 0 at the provincial level.

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