Palliative and end-of-life care grant fund

$11 million has been allocated for one-time grant funding to advance palliative and end-of life care in Alberta.

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We recognize that access to appropriate and timely palliative and end-of-life care is important. This is why the Alberta government committed $20 million for palliative and end-of-life care initiatives over a 4-year period to address these priorities:

  • raise public awareness of palliative care and how and when to access it
  • develop effective caregiver supports to support Albertans in their home and community
  • establish and implement palliative care education, training, and standards for health professionals
  • continue to shift from hospital to community-based home and hospice care

In 2020, approximately $9 million was committed to fund grant projects and health initiatives that address a number of these priority areas.

There was a public engagement on palliative and end-of-life care services and programs in Alberta to identify what is working well, and where gaps remain. The palliative and end-of-life care engagement final report summarizes the engagement and recommends how to allocate the remaining $11 million of funding.

Application deadline

Closed. Deadline for applications and project proposals was January 7, 2022.


Announced in November 2021, the government issued a grant call for project proposals in 4 priority areas that include earlier access, community supports and services, education and training, and research and innovation.The Government of Alberta allocated the remaining $11 million as follows:

  • earlier access: $1 million to $2 million
  • education and training or community supports and services: $7 million to $8 million
  • research and innovation: $1 million to $2 million

The deadline for submissions was January 7, 2022.

Twenty-five project submissions were selected that will improve the delivery of supports and services for Albertans with a life-limiting illness.

Palliative and End-of-Life Care project list and descriptions.

The successful projects will be completed by March 31, 2024.


Connect with the Palliative and End-of-Life Care program:
