Natural gas information bulletins and information letters

The province provides the energy industry information through varied sources such as information bulletins and letters.

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Information bulletins

The purpose of an Information Bulletin is to notify industry regarding items such as proposed changes to legislation, regulations or operating procedures with the intent of notification and / or soliciting feedback; new programs or changes to existing programs, projects, services, strategies or organizational structures; and industry participation in department initiatives.

Information bulletins are available through Alberta’s Open Government portal.

You can subscribe to Gas Royalty information bulletins (GasRoyaltyIB), the link will launch a new message in your email application with pre-populated information. (subscribe to XX) When you send the email a confirmation email will be sent to you if you do not reply your request will be cancelled. For more information see our subscription page.

Information letters

Information letters are available through a separate service, they notify industry of legislative changes, when letters are published a notification is sent to the subscriber list.

Older information bulletins

The following bulletins are now available through Alberta's open government website;

Royalty training sessions

Alberta Royalty Framework (training Session materials Fall 2008)


Connect with Gas Royalty Operations:

Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)



Alberta Energy and Minerals
Gas Royalty Operations
7th Floor, North Petroleum Plaza
9945 108 Street
Edmonton, Alberta  T5K 2G6



Alberta Energy and Minerals
Pricing and Analysis
Centennial Place
1050, 250 5 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta  T2P 0R4