Municipal internship application – Candidate

Apply for Administrator, Finance Officer or Land Use Planner municipal internship streams.

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  • Municipal internship application – Candidate

Important – Review before applying

When you apply, you will need:

  1. to complete one Application for each internship stream that you are applying to. For example, if you are applying for the Administrator and the Finance Officer streams, you would submit two separate applications.
  2. to be available to start work between April 28 and May 30 of this year
  3. a cover letter (The program website describes each of the mandatory documents.)
  4. a resume
  5. a candidate profile
  6. a transcript

You are ineligible to apply if you:

  • do not finish your exams and coursework for a post-secondary degree or diploma (minimum 2-year program) between January 1, 2023 and April 30, 2025.
  • are not legally eligible to work in Canada as of May 2025.
  • will be employed in a permanent position (e.g. position without a defined end period) of an Alberta municipality as of May 2025.


Personal information collection notice

Your personal information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). The personal information you provide to the Government of Alberta (Municipal Internship Program) on this application will be used to assess your qualifications and suitability as a potential municipal intern. The Government of Alberta and the municipal organizations participating in the Municipal Internship Program may also collect and use additional personal information provided by you, your references or your past employers in the course of the evaluation and hiring process.

The Government of Alberta and participating municipal organizations comply with the FOIP Act and its related regulations which govern the collection, use, retention, storage and destruction of records in Alberta.

For questions regarding the collection, use and disclosure of this information, please contact Wendy Peters of the Municipal Internship Program at [email protected] or 780-427-2225 (ask for the Municipal Internship Program).

Municipal Internship Program application form


Did you (or will you) finish your exams and coursework for a post-secondary degree or diploma (minimum 2-year program) between January 1, 2023 and April 30, 2025?

You are not eligible for this year's program.

As of May 2025, will you be legally eligible to work in Canada?

You are not eligible for this year's program.

Eligibility municipality staff member container

For the next question, the intention of the program is to provide an opportunity for recent graduates to enter into municipal government for the first time.
As of May 2025, will you be employed as a staff member of an Alberta municipality?

You are not eligible for the program while employed with a municipality.

Eligible to continue the application form

About you

To which internship stream(s) are you applying?
Where we can contact you if we have questions about your application.

About your education

Completed degree or diploma
Include the name of the program/major/specialization, etc.
For Finance Officer stream applicants only
If have a Finance or business-related degree, list two senior-level (third year, fourth year, or graduate level) accounting courses you have completed.
For Land Use Planner stream applicants only
If your Land Use Planning degree is an accredited Canadian land use planning degree program, then you are eligible. If not, and you have a planning-related degree, list two senior-level (third-year, fourth-year, or graduate level) courses you have completed in either planning law, planning theory, urban/regional planning, urban design, GIS, transportation planning and/or environmental planning (other foundational land use planning courses may be considered).

Internship streams and locations

Interns are required to live in or commute to the host community.
Review the Map Locations and Profiles to determine which municipalities are the best fit for you. Your application package will be sent to the locations you select below if it passes initial screening.
After initial screening, host municipalities will review the applications they receive and determine which candidates they would like to interview for an internship at their municipality.
Administrator stream
Finance Officer stream
Land Use Planner stream


How did you hear about the Alberta Municipal Internship Program?

 (Check all that apply)

Documents required for upload

Upload all required components

All four required documents (cover letter, resume, candidate profile, and transcript) are mandatory to submit your application. Additional documents such as reference letters, etc. are not provided to municipalities (you might bring this to an interview if you are invited). The program website describes each of the mandatory documents.

  1. Documents accepted in PDF format only.
  2. Rename each file in the following format: Lastname-Firstname-InternshipStream-DocumentType (ie, CoverLetter, Resume, CandidateProfile, or Transcript). Here is an example: Yang-Melinda-FinanceOfficer-CoverLetter)
  3. One file only for each of the four documents.
  4. Each file has a maximum file size of 10 MB.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Note: If the form cannot be submitted, it has incorrect/incomplete information. Scroll up to see the impacted fields.

Submit button container