Resources are currently being updated to reflect recent changes to the Municipal Government Act and the Local Authorities Election Act.
Next municipal election
The next municipal general election will be held on October 20, 2025.
General election results
Find 2021 municipal election results on the Open Government Portal.
Results for the 2021 senate nominee and referendum vote can be found on the Elections Alberta website.
General election resources
Nominations for the general election open January 1, 2025, and close at noon on September 22, 2025.
For summer villages, the nomination period occurs between June or July, with election day held 4 weeks after the nomination period closes. Check with your local summer village for specific dates.
Returning officers
If you are a returning officer or other municipal election official who will conduct a by-election or the upcoming 2025 general election, refer to the resources below.
Sections relating to the Senate election and referendum vote will not be applicable to municipal by-elections.
Returning officer manual
Prospective candidates
If you are intending to run for municipal office, A Candidate’s Guide: Running for Local Elected Office in Alberta offers information regarding eligibility to run, nominations, campaigning, collecting campaign contributions and incurring campaign-related expenses.
If you are intending to run for your local school board, find relevant information at School Board trustee elections information.
If you are a Government of Canada employee running as a candidate in a municipal election in Alberta, you should be aware of some obligations. Read I want to become a candidate for more information.
If you plan to place election signs on provincial highways, read the provincial guidelines for more information. Contact your municipality to inquire about any municipal bylaws that regulate the placement of campaign signage along roadways or on public property.
Notice of Intent and resources
Third party advertisers
A Provincial Registrar has been appointed for third party advertisers. Third parties planning to incur election advertising expenses or accept election advertising contributions of at least $1,000 in 10 or more local jurisdictions may apply to register with the Provincial Registrar. Email us the completed applications.
For more information on the provincial registration process:
Phone: 780-427-2225
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Post-election resources
- Roles and responsibilities of municipal officials
- Pecuniary Interest for Municipal Councillors
- What Every Councillor Needs to Know!
Voter identification requirements
Section 53 of the Local Authorities Election Act outlines identification requirements for local elections.
A resident can vote if their name is on the Permanent Electors Register and they produce one piece of identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial, or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the person.
Or, a resident can vote if they fill out the prescribed Form 13 (or Form 13SV for Summer Villages) and produce one piece of identification issued by a Canadian government, whether federal, provincial, or local, or an agency of that government, that contains a photograph of the person.
Voters may also fill out the prescribed Form 13 (or Form 13SV for Summer Villages) and present one piece of identification authorized by the Chief Electoral Officer that establishes the person’s name and current address.
- Visit Elections Alberta for more information
Section 53(3.1) also states that a post office box number listed on government issued photo ID is acceptable for validation of a person’s residence.
For additional information on voting requirements, see the Local Authorities Election Act.
Connect with Municipal Affairs:
Phone: 780-427-2225
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
For information related to official government documents, contact Alberta King’s Printer:
7th Floor, Park Plaza Building
10611 98 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2P7
Phone: 780-427-4952
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Fax: 780-452-0668