Manure Transportation Calculator

Use this calculator to evaluate the costs and benefits of manure application based on crop nutrient need and cost of transportation.


The Manure Transportation Calculator (MTC) is a Windows-based (Excel) program developed by the Alberta government. The calculator can be used to determine the net cost of application and transportation for manure as a nutrient source. Users enter their information to generate an estimate of the net economic benefit gained from the manure application based on the nutrient requirements for each field and crop.

The program allows for the evaluation of up to 6 different fields and 1 to 5 year crop rotation plans. It can also compare the impact of management decisions in 2 different fields. This comparison allows for effective management of manure resources.

Calculator inputs will require:

  • type of manure available
  • fertilizer market values
  • cropping rotation
  • yield goals
  • transportation/application method
  • costing variables


The MTC uses book value estimates of manure nutrient content, nutrient release and transportation costs. Producers should use their own values to make manure application decisions. There is a risk of over- or under-estimating costs and returns based on book values. The MTC provides an indicator of value based on the data provide.

Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation having no control over individual soil tests, lab evaluations, yield goals, estimated nutrient release, transportation costs or other costing factors and makes no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the predicted cost benefit of manure application generated by this system and assumes no responsibility or liability for use of the program.


By downloading this software, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement as set out below. If you do not agree to be bound, do not download this software.

  • The software and any written materials that might accompany the electronic version of MTC ("written materials") are proprietary to and all rights except those expressly given herein remain with His Majesty the King in right of Alberta ("Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation").
  • The software and written materials are protected by Canadian copyright law and international treaty provisions.
  • You are hereby authorized to transfer the software to a single system.
  • You may not copy written materials.
  • You may not rent or lease the software but you may transfer all of your interest in it, accompanied by written materials, if you retain no copies and the recipient agrees to the terms of this agreement.
  • You may not reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works from the software.
  • In no event will Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation be liable to you for any claims, costs, losses or damages, including without limitation, lost profits or lost data arising out of the use or inability to use the software or any data or any advice supplied therein.

Download software

Step 1.

Check system requirements.

The estimated file size is 362 KB. To use the program you’ll need:

  • Microsoft Excel or another spreadsheet program capable of handling a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Note: Microsoft Works is not sufficient.

Estimated download time: approximately 1 minute on a 28.8K modem.

Step 2.

Download the program:

  • Download the application file to your computer.
  • You will be prompted to Save the application file. You can save it either to your desktop for easy access, or to a location on your computer where you store management tools.

Step 3.

Run the MTC:

  • Double-click the file 'mt-calc' in the location where you saved it, then follow the instructions.
  • Enter the information needed to calculate an estimate of nutrient accumulation.

Sign up for updates

Fill out the online form below to get future updates about the program.

All fields are required unless otherwise indicated.


For inquiries about the MTC:

Phone: 780-980-7587
Fax: 780-980-4237

Trevor Wallace, P.Ag.
Agriculture Business Centre
6547 Sparrow Drive
Leduc, Alberta T9E 7C7