What’s new
A subsoil investigation is usually required to obtain the information necessary to support an application for a new or expanding manure facility. The newly completed series on subsoil investigations is available to support consultants performing these investigations.
Tools and resources
Codes, factsheets and guidelines
- Agricultural Operations Practices Act: Where neighbours fit into the process
- Environmental standards for Alberta's livestock industry: Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) 2008 reference guide
- Manure management record keeping regulations
- Manure management regulations for cow/calf producers
- Manure management regulations for horse owners
- Minimum Setbacks for Manure Application
- Manure spreading regulations
- Municipalities and the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA)
- Permits and regulations for existing operations
- Wintering sites and livestock corrals
Technical guidelines
- Technical Guideline Listing
- Calculator for Determining Livestock Capacity of Operations as They Existed on January 1, 2002
- Closure of Manure Storage Facilities and Manure Collection Areas
- Frozen and Snow-covered Land
- Determining Equivalent Protective Layers and Constructed Liners
- Identifying Manure Storage Facilities and Manure Collection Areas at Confined Feeding Operations
- Leak Detection Groundwater Monitoring Parameters
- Leak Detection Groundwater Sampling
- Monitoring Well Construction, Installation and Development
- Non-Engineered Concrete Liners for Manure Collection and Storage Areas
- Reclamation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells
- Subsoil investigations for compacted soil liners
- Subsoil investigations for manure storage facilities and manure collection areas
- Subsoil investigations for naturally occurring protective layers
- Temporary Suspension of Manure Storage Facilities
Permitting for Confined Feeding Operations
- Agricultural Operations Practices Act: Where neighbours fit into the process (fact sheet)
- Calculator for Determining Livestock Capacity of Operations as They Existed on January 1, 2002 (technical guideline)
- Environmental standards for Alberta's livestock industry: Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) 2008 reference guide (guide)
- Municipalities and the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) (fact sheet)
- Permits and regulations for existing operations (fact sheet)
Planning and record keeping
- Alberta Farm Fertilizer Information and Recommendation Manager (application)
- Alberta Soil Information Viewer (application)
- Change in AOPA Livestock Type Calculator (application)
- Emergency Manure Action Plan (template)
- Manure management planner (application)
- Manure management record keeping regulations (fact sheet)
- Manure Production and Management Record Keeping Forms (template)
- ManureTracker (application)
- Nutrient Management Planning Guide
- Relocation of Livestock Facilities Planning Guide
- Sampling liquid manure for analysis (fact sheet)
- Sampling poultry manure for analysis (fact sheet)
- Sampling solid manure for analysis (fact sheet)
Storage and collection
- Ammonia emissions from confined feeding operations (CFOs): control and mitigation (fact sheet)
- Ammonia emissions estimator (online tool)
- Catch Basin Design and Management (fact sheet)
- Catch basin dimension calculator (online tool)
- Closure of Manure Storage Facilities and Manure Collection Areas (technical guideline)
- Determining Equivalent Protective Layers and Constructed Liners (technical guideline)
- Dugout Volume or Manure Storage Calculator (online tool)
- Identifying Manure Storage Facilities and Manure Collection Areas at Confined Feeding Operations (technical guideline)
- Managing feedlot shutdowns (fact sheet)
- Non-Engineered Concrete Liners for Manure Collection and Storage Areas (technical guideline)
- Subsoil investigations for compacted soil liners (technical guideline)
- Subsoil investigations for manure storage facilities and manure collection areas (technical guideline)
- Subsoil investigations for naturally occurring protective layers (technical guideline)
- Temporary Suspension of Manure Storage Facilities (technical guideline)
- Compost Temperature Measurement: Livestock Manure (fact sheet)
- Manure Composting Manual (guide)
- Manure Composting Calculator (online tool)
Hauling and transportation
- Ammonia Volatilization from Manure Application (fact sheet)
- Ammonia losses from liquid manure applications calculator (online tool)
- Frozen and Snow-covered Land (technical guideline)
- Manure Characteristics and Land Base Code (code)
- Manure spreading regulations (fact sheet)
For a quick reference, laminate this double-sided fact sheet and keep it handy: Minimum Setbacks for Manure Application.
Livestock wintering
- Manure management regulations for cow/calf producers (fact sheet)
- Manure management regulations for horse owners (fact sheet)
- Nutrient loading calculator (online tool)
- Wintering sites and livestock corrals (fact sheet)
- Wintering Site Assessment and Design Tool: A Guide to Selecting and Managing a Wintering Site in Western Canada (guide)
- Wintering Site Assessment and Design Tool (worksheet)
- Beneficial management practices: An introduction to phosphorus (fact sheet)
- Phosphorus Management Tool (application)
- Phosphorus sources and movement (fact sheet)
Water quality
- Leak Detection Groundwater Monitoring Parameters (technical guideline)
- Leak Detection Groundwater Sampling (technical guideline)
- Managing Phosphorus to Protect Water Quality (fact sheet)
- Managing Nitrogen to Protect Water Quality (fact sheet)
- Manure Management to Protect Water Quality (fact sheet)
- Monitoring Well Construction, Installation and Development (technical guideline)
- Reclamation of Groundwater Monitoring Wells (technical guideline)
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