Log haul permits and maps

Rules and conditions about allowable vehicle weights and dimensions during the winter hauling season and maps of approved hauling routes.

Before you apply

Dimension and weight log haul permits are required to haul logs at weights or dimensions exceeding regulated limits or allowances.

Your application will contain 2 parts:

  • a dimension and weight log haul permit
  • colour route map

Permits are issued to the registered owner of the vehicle and are good for hauling to all mills that use approved validated maps.

Maps are issued to a mill and are only valid for vehicles hauling for and on behalf of the mill the map is issued to.

Step 1. Choose the correct permit and map

Depending on the time of the year, you will need to choose between one of the following permits:

  1. Dimension/winter weight log haul permits
  2. Seasonal log haul dimension permits

You may need additional information on Log haul route maps to complete the application.

Step 2. Follow the 'How to apply' instructions

Once you have the necessary documents for your application, go to the How to apply section and follow the instructions on how to apply online or through fax or phone.

Dimension/winter weight log haul permits

The dimension/winter weight log haul permit allows increased dimensions as listed on the permit for:

  • overall length when loaded
  • width of the bunk stakes, including rings and cables
  • height of equipment or load
  • overhang when loaded
  • track width
  • inter-axle spacing
  • wheelbase

The following information is contained in the permit as shown in the Sample Dimension/Winter Part 1 Permit:

  • carrier and vehicle information
  • weights and dimension limits greater than allowed by the regulations
  • conditions the driver, vehicle and carrier must abide by when operating at increased weights and dimensions

The Part 1 permit is not valid unless accompanied by a valid Part 2 Dimension/Winter Weight Route Map and addendums if the highways travelled are not shown on the colour map.

Additional requirements

Some log haul permits require additional permits in order for the dimension/winter weight permit to be valid.

Details on additional permit requirements are included in the permit vehicle configurations and conditions.

Permit information

The dimension/winter weight permit applies to only one configuration during the period when winter weights are in effect for the vehicle specified on the permit.

If the vehicle specified on the permit is used for other configurations during the winter season, then an additional winter permit(s) is required for each configuration.

Regulated weights are in effect during the period when winter weights are no longer in effect unless an equipment exemption permit has been issued allowing equivalent to regulated weights.

This only applies to the following configurations:

  • quad axle semi-trailer
  • 9 axle B-Train and 10 axle B-Train

Apply for Dimension/winter weight log haul permit.

Seasonal log haul dimension permits

A seasonal dimension log haul permit may be used by carriers that are hauling regulated weight but dimensions exceed regulated dimensions.

The seasonal dimension log haul permit allows increased dimensions as listed on the permit for:

  • overall length when loaded
  • width of the bunk stakes, including rings and cables
  • height of equipment or load
  • overhang when loaded
  • track width
  • inter-axle spacing

The following information is contained in the permit as shown in the Sample Seasonal Part 1 Permit:

  • carrier and vehicle information
  • weights and dimension limits greater than allowed by the regulations
  • conditions the driver, vehicle and carrier must abide by when operating at increased weights and dimensions

The Seasonal Part 1 permit is not valid unless accompanied by one of the following:

The approved routes shown on the log haul map for a specific configuration are limited to regulated weights and cannot be exceeded.

Permit information

This permit is a fleet permit and applies to all vehicles owned by the permit holder. This permit applies to all configurations except for the following:

  • quad axle semi-trailer
  • 9 axle B-Train and 10 axle B-Train

These vehicles require permits specific to these configurations if hauling weights or dimensions exceeding regulated weights and dimensions.

Apply for Seasonal log haul dimension permit.

How to apply

Online applications

Permit applications must be submitted by entering your application directly on TRAVIS Web or by contacting one of a network of TRAVIS agents. TRAVIS Agents charge a fee for their services and fees may vary.

A list of accredited agents is available in the Obtaining Permits for Overweight and Over-dimensional Vehicles document.

You can also find accredited agents by contacting the Central Permit Office at central.permits@gov.ab.ca or by phone at 403-342-7138.

Application instructions

To get instructions for entering your application:

  1. Go to TRAVIS Web.
  2. Click on the link for 'Application User Guides' on the left side.
  3. Click on TRAVIS Log Haul Permit Walkthrough.

A drop down list of configurations is available that you can choose from when applying for your permits or you can use a code to identify the configuration.

A list of valid configuration codes is included on page 19 and 20 of the walkthrough.

Help with your application

If you experience difficulty using TRAVIS Web, contact the Central Permit Office at central.permits@gov.ab.ca or by phone at 403-342-7138 and a Permit Program Delivery Representative will help you get your permit(s).

Fax or phone applications

The following log haul permit applications can only be applied for by fax 403-340-5278, phone 403-342-7138 or email central.permits@gov.ab.ca.

  • 9 and 10 axle B-Train Configurations
  • Tridem Drive – Quad Axle Semi-Trailer
  • Double Pole Trailer – Hinged and non-hinged
  • permits issued for use of roads within the Town of Hinton
  • Resource Road Winter Weight/Dimension Permits
  • Forestry Truck Road in MD Greenview
  • Roads as identified on a Resource road map for the Manning area


The permit fee and other dimensions and weights not identified on the permit is regulated by the Commercial Vehicle Dimension and Weight Regulation AR 315/2002.

Log haul route maps

These are colour maps that show the approved log haul routes, with dimensional or weight restrictions indicated by notes on the map.

It may be either a map for a specific configuration or a dimension map that applies to most log haul configurations.

Dimension/winter weight route map

The dimension/winter weight log haul map shows the routes in a colour coded format (green, blue, yellow, red, brown and black).

The weights allowed by each colour will be shown in the conditions of the dimension/winter weight permit part one.

Notes on the map may be used to allow increased or decreased dimensions or weights that are different then the dimensions and weights shown in the permit conditions.

The map is valid for all vehicle configurations during the period when winter weights are not in effect.

All routes are red (limited to regulated weights) regardless of the route colour shown on the map when winter weights are no longer in effect.

Learn more about Dimension/winter weight log haul permits.

Dimension route map

The dimension route map shows approved routes, but is not colour coded for weight. All routes are shown as red indicating regulated weights apply.

Dimension restrictions are indicated by notes on the map. This map is only valid for hauling regulated weights and is not valid for hauling winter weights.

The dimension map is common to all regulated weight load configurations except for the following configurations:

  • quad axle semi-trailer
  • 9 Axle B-Train
  • 10 axle B-Train

These configurations require their own specific map as identified on the permit.

Learn more about Seasonal log haul dimension permits.

Additional map information

The maps are valid for vehicles hauling for or on behalf of the mill identified as the owner of the map as shown on the title block. See Schedule 1, Section E of the Dimension and Weight Agreement for the Movement of Raw Forest Products.

All destination mills and storage sites must be identified on the map if:

  • hauling for or on behalf of the map owner to another mill
  • hauling to storage sites that require highway access
    • this does not include storage sites located on a Licence of Occupation road (LOC) or private road

Frost/Thaw Contour Map

We maintain and monitor a system of electronic frost probes throughout the Province.

These probes provide recent subsurface information which, in conjunction with weather forecasts from Environment Canada, is used to determine the locations where the depth of frost is sufficient to allow winter weights or the depth of thaw sufficient to warrant removing winter weights.

A contour map showing the frost or thaw lines is available:

This is provided for information only and should not be used as notification that winter weights for log haul are in effect or have been removed for a mill.

Mills will be notified in writing when winter weights are in effect or removed (no longer in effect).


Connect with the Log Haul Program – Forest Products Transportation Specialist:

Phone: 1-800-662-7138 or 403-342-7138
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Email: forestproducts.haul@gov.ab.ca