Locally developed courses

School authorities can provide unique learning opportunities to help meet the needs of students and communities.


School authorities may approve, develop or acquire locally developed courses for kindergarten through Grade 12 students.

Government reviews and authorizes locally developed senior high courses.


Locally developed courses can help:

  • accommodate the needs and interests of students
  • encourage and support innovative learning and teaching practices
  • address unique community priorities
  • engage students at risk of leaving school early
  • promote successful transitions to further education by exposing students to advanced subject matter and learning environments


How to develop or acquire courses

School authorities use the Locally Developed Courses Online Management System (LDCOMS) to submit senior high courses they developed or want to acquire from a different school authority.

Authorized school authority staff can access LDCOMS online.

Step 1. Get school authority or governing body approval

School authorities must approve each locally developed course by a board motion or resolution for a specified amount of time.

This motion or resolution must contain:

  • the name of the course, levels and credits being offered
  • whether the course is developed or acquired
  • if acquired, from which school authority
  • the authorization period

Step 2. Submit the course through LDCOMS for government review

Government reviews submitted courses and generates an authorization letter if they meet requirements. The school authority can access the authorization letter using LDCOMS.


Connect with the Locally Developed Courses program:
Email: edc.ldc@gov.ab.ca