Local authority courses

Training for local authority employees with assigned emergency management roles and responsibilities in Alberta.


The Alberta Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) offers a variety of in-class and online emergency management training courses developed to directly address the legislated training requirements for elected officials and delegates, directors of emergency management, and local authority staff under the Emergency Management Act and its regulations.

Training audiences

The AEMA only delivers local authority courses to individuals with legislated training requirements under the Local Authority Emergency Management Regulation, which includes:

  • Elected officials and delegates
  • Directors of emergency management agencies
  • Local authority employees

Local authority course descriptions

  • Basic Emergency Management (BEM)

    The Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course is for individuals with assigned roles and responsibilities in their local authority’s emergency plan. It provides background on the fundamentals of emergency management, introduces key emergency management partners, and explains the implications of provincial emergency management legislation for Albertans.

    • No pre-requisites to take this course.
    • Students must attend the full course and achieve 80% on the open-book exam to receive a certificate of completion.

    AEMA offers this course in-class and online.

    • The facilitated in-class course takes 6 to 7 hours to complete.
    • The self-directed online course takes 4 to 5 hours to complete.
  • Local Authority Elected Official (LAEO)

    The Local Authority Elected Official (LAEO) course is for elected officials and delegates in Alberta to complete within 90 days of assuming office. It provides background on the fundamentals of emergency management, introduces key emergency management partners, and explains the implications of provincial emergency management legislation for elected officials and delegates as representatives of the local authorities in Alberta.

    • No pre-requisites to take this course.

    AEMA offers this course in-class and online.

    • The facilitated in-class course and self-directed online course both  take 4 to 5 hours to complete.
  • Director of Emergency Management (DEM)

    The Director of Emergency Management (DEM) course is for directors of emergency management, deputy directors of emergency management, and individuals with assigned emergency management roles and responsibilities that may include fulfilling the duties of a director of emergency management. It builds on the basic principles introduced in the Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course and expands on the implications of provincial emergency management legislation as it applies to directors of emergency management in Alberta.

    • Students must complete the Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course to enroll in this course.
    • Students must attend the full course to receive a certificate of completion.

    AEMA offers this course in-class only.

    • The facilitated in-class course takes 6 to 7 hours to complete.
  • Scribing for Emergency Management

    Scribing for Emergency Management prepares emergency management staff for the integral role a scribe plays in high-stress situations where decision-making relies heavily on strong, credible information.

    • Students must complete the Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course and Incident Command System (ICS) I-100 to enroll in this course.
    • Students must attend the full course to receive a certificate of completion.

    AEMA offers this course in-class and online.

    • The facilitated in-class course takes 3 to 5 hours to complete.
    • The self-directed online course takes 2 to 4 hours to complete.
  • The Planning P: A Practical Intensive for Emergency Managers

    The Planning P: A Practical Intensive for Emergency Managers is recommended for directors of emergency management, deputy directors of emergency management, and Command and General Staff who wish to deepen their understanding of ICS and the Planning “P” process in the context of a Type 3 (or higher) incident.

    • Students must complete Incident Command System (ICS) I-100, I-200, and I-300 to enroll in this workshop.
    • Students must attend the full workshop to receive a certificate of completion.

    AEMA offers this course in-class only.

    • The facilitated in-class course takes 14 hours to complete.

How to enrol

Register for in-class training

  • Go to the AEMA Training Calendar to view upcoming course dates and find out what in-class training is currently being offered.
  • Check the event details for the course you are interested in and email or phone the contact for more information and to register.
  • Provide the instructor with your pre-requisite certificate(s) to register.

Register for online training

  • Send an email to [email protected] with details including the name of the online course(s) you need to take, pre-requisite certificates and proof of affiliation.

Acceptable examples of proof of affiliation include:

  • sending an email directly from your official employer or organization’s email address, or
  • attaching an email/letter from your employer or organization proving your affiliation.

Please note that enrolment requests can take up to 5 business days to process.


Connect with Alberta Emergency Management Agency Training:
Email: [email protected]

Alberta Emergency Management Agency
12360 142 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta  T5L 2H1