Your voice matters

Your insights and perspectives are helping lead the way in designing and implementing Alberta’s refocused health care system, ensuring it meets the needs of Albertans today and for generations to come.

Review the 'What We Heard' report below, sign up for our newsletter, and stay up to date on the latest engagement opportunities.


The first round of engagement has concluded and the 'What We Heard' report has been released. A second round of in-person and online engagement is taking place throughout the province starting in January.

Who is listening

Ministry of Health
Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction
Ministry of Seniors, Community and Social Services

Get involved

In-person engagement sessions

A second round of in-person public engagement will be taking place over the Winter and Spring of 2025 to share information and receive feedback about the refocusing work.

Sign up for an engagement session near you and continue helping us shape the future of health care in Alberta.

Register now

Online engagement

Share your thoughts on how we can improve the delivery of health care in Alberta.

Review the presentation being shared at the in-person engagement sessions and provide your input.

Share your feedback

Stay involved

Subscribe to receive the refocusing newsletter and stay informed about health care system refocusing and future engagement opportunities.

Subscribe now

Get informed

Learn more about the refocusing of Alberta’s health care system below.


Your feedback will help lead us to success.

Having a health care system that functions properly is critical to the health and well-being of Albertans and their families. That’s why it’s so important we have these conversations with front-line workers, patients and caregivers about the challenges that exist and how we can build a stronger health care system that serves the current and future needs of Albertans.”

Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Health