Choosing the right approach

Alberta is refocusing the health care system to put the patient first in every health care decision and give experts the right space to ensure Albertans are getting the world-class health care they need and deserve.

Icon of a stethoscope

Primary Care
provincial health agency

Icon of a hospital

Acute Care
provincial health agency

Icon of a hand holding a person standing with a cane.

Continuing Care
provincial health agency

Icon of a head with a circular maze as the brain with little lines radiating out of the head.

Mental Health and Addiction
provincial health agency

Refocusing groundwork

The following activities laid the groundwork for the best path to achieve our goal of improving access to health care:

Similar themes and recommendations emerged from these engagements. Along with learnings from the former fragmented regional health care system and our current rigid consolidated system, this led to refocusing on a unified provincial health care system model with 4 focused provincial health agencies.

Introduction and engagement

Winter 2023

  • The health care refocusing plan is introduced to Albertans and front-line health care workers.
  • A new Alberta Health Services board is appointed.
  • Engagement sessions with AHS staff, health care unions, health associations and a wide range of health partners across the province are scheduled and will continue while we work to refocus health care.

Transition and engagement

Spring/Summer 2024

  • The Mental Health and Addiction provincial health agency will be established.
  • The Indigenous Advisory Council and regional advisory councils will be established to enhance local decision making.
  • Engagement opportunities will be available for Albertans while engagement with health care professionals continues.

Transition and engagement

Fall 2024

  • The new continuing care, primary care and acute care provincial health agencies will be created with stronger integration and collaboration. 
  • Ideas and feedback from health care workers and Albertans will be considered as further engagement opportunities begin.
  • The remaining steps to ensure a successful transition will be finalized and communicated.


Guiding principles

A single functioning health care system
With specialized areas that focus on delivering the best care that is important to a high functioning system.

Improve patient outcomes
Refocus the health care system so Albertans can get the right care when and where they need it.

Ensure a seamless patient journey
Strong integration and collaboration across all organizations to support appropriate transitions of care and prevent silos.

Support the workforce
Prioritize the wellbeing and leverage the experience of health care workers.

Enhance frontline and local autonomy
Support local decision-making and regional advice.

Transparent communication
Communicate frequently and clearly.

Remain committed, but flexible
Monitor and evaluate the progress of the change and support change when it might be required.

Shape the way

As the work to refocus Alberta’s health care system continues, new engagement opportunities will be developed for front-line workers and Albertans.

The future of health care is in your hands.